chapter thirty two - part one

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I took in a deep breath before smoothing down my shirt. I just left the hospital an hour ago, giving me little to no time to get ready. I was dressed very simple tonight; a full sleeved blouse along with a flowy mid-legged skirt. My makeup was heavier than usual. I had to apply loads of concealer to cover my puffy, tired eyes. With some bronzer and blush, my look was complete. I shrugged on my black peacoat and locked my door behind me as I left. I hailed a taxi and got in.

After Tobias left I decided that I had to do what was best for me. Putting aside other people's feelings would have to suffice for now. However, I couldn't be that cruel, no. I decided that I was going to break up with Julian, as soon as he was discharged from the hospital. Tobias's words were still ringing in my head. I wanted to be with him there was no doubt about that. I wanted all the things he wanted. I wanted to be with him and him only. If I knew Tobias was seeing someone else and we had to keep our relationship a secret, I would've broken things off months ago. But Tobias stayed for the worst of it. I just hoped he could wait just a couple of more days, nothing longer than a week.

"Have a nice night," I told the cabbie, handing him two twenty's with a smile. Traveling to Queens was more expensive than I remembered.

I took a deep breath and looked outside the World Fair Marina banquet hall. The whole scene was breathtaking. Earlier today it started to snow, the first time this year which is a shock. It usually snows a lot in New York. It was as if the snow was waiting to sprinkle its magic tonight of all tonights. White Christmas lights were wrapped around various trees, creating a majestic feel. People were squeezing their bodies into the banquet hall, wanting to celebrate, except for me. I walked the other way, towards the bay. The water was a sheet of ice, no longer a large body of water. My cheeks were becoming numb from the cold but I didn't mind. I was mesmerized. Winter might be my least favorite season but I couldn't lie, it was beautiful.

"You couldn't resist the view either, huh?"

I turned around and saw Tobias smiling sheepishly at me. My heart began pacing. He looked pulchritudinous and drool worthy; he was wearing a navy blue suit that was embroidered around the collar and in the inside lining. His cheeks were flushed from the cold and his eyes were shining bright under the Christmas lights.

"What can I say? My view is beautiful," I gushed, no longer talking about the scenery.

Tobias gave me a smirk and walked closer to me, his shoes crunching under the salt they sprinkled on the floor. He stepped in front me and took in my appearance, his hands outlining my jacket.

"I think my view is better than yours," he replied, his voice sound huskier than usual.

"I thought... I thought you were mad at me," I stuttered, looking down. "I was certain you wanted nothing to do with me."

Tobias put two fingers under my chin and forced me to meet his ember eyes. "I was caught up in the moment. I shouldn't have lashed out on you. I was mad at you. I am mad at you Reign."

I winced and tried to look away, only I couldn't. Tobias forced me to look back him, his eyes burning with intensity.

"But nothing is going to keep you away from me," he continued, his voice serious. "This isn't over until I can look into your eyes without falling for you all over again."

His eyes moved down to my lips and I felt my own eyes doing the same. I wanted this; I wanted him. I was in awe as he moved closer to me until there was no space in between us. My head was no longer controlling me as my heart took the wheel.

Tobias pressed his pink lips onto mines firmly, welcoming me with the feeling I missed. I could feel his lips form into a smile against my lips. The feeling was contagious. Soon we were both smiling idiotically at each other, consumed by one another.

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