chapter three

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"Noel, it's freezing. Where is he?" I groaned while wrapping my jacket around me. If I pulled it anymore I was afraid I wouldn't be able to breathe. It was way too cold for October. I could see my breath every time I talked. 

"He said he'd be there! Hold on I'll call you right back after I talk to him." 

Noel hung up without me being able to yell at her. Frustrated, I find an empty bench and pout like a two-year-old. Here I was dressed in a nice blouse with my makeup perfected and my hair nicely done with no date. I was waiting outside the restaurant like a loser. If I walk passed myself I would've assumed that I had no friends. A moment later my phone rang and I quickly answered it.

"I'm so sorry R. He totally forgot he was meeting you today," Noel told me. "He's on his way, though! It should take him no longer than an hour."

"An hour! Where does he live? In Queens?"

"Yeah, actually he does. How'd you know?" She responds cheerfully, not hinting my annoyance.

"Noel, just tell him to forget about it. There's no point in him coming now."

"But Reign, I think he could really be the one for you!"

"You say that about all of them," I replied, rolling my eyes. "Look, I'm just going to do a solo night out."

"Are you sure? I feel so bad. Scott and I could come-"

"No," I protested, shaking my head. I spotted a bar across the street and I decided that's where I was going to go. After a long week like this I needed a drink or two.

"Okay, call me when you get home. I love you R."

Sighing I walked among the rest of the pedestrians with my phone still glued to my ear. "Love you too."

Even though I wasn't twenty-one yet I managed to get my hands on a drink or two. I looked older than I was, resulting in me getting away with underage drinking.

"A shot of vodka please," I told the bartender, sliding into one of the stools by the bar.

He nodded and didn't bother to ask for my I.D, as expected. I took a quick look around the bar, observing my surrounding. It was packed tonight, which wasn't a surprise. Everybody wanted to get drunk on a Saturday night and forget all their worries. I, for one, was among those people. I was stressed out about my future. I don't know what I was going to do after college and it didn't help having my mother nag me about it either.

I moved my head side to side, trying to release the tension in my shoulders. The bartender finally handed me a shot which I debated taking. I wasn't a fan of drinking. I'm what people defined as a 'light weight.' Get four drinks in me and I was done for the night. I wish I took Noel's offer. This would be way better if I had my best friend and her boyfriend with me.

Sighing, I grabbed the shot glass and quickly swallowed the burning liquor as it went down my parched throat. I closed my eyes, hating the feeling of the liquid burning through my throat.

"You know sucking on a lime could help," a deep, raspy voice spoke from behind me.

I turn around and I face cold, empty hazel eyes that showed no emotion. There were scars under his left eye and I ached to know the story behind them. The mystery guy confidently handed me a lime, which I greedily took from him and sucked the life out of.

"I'm Tobias," he said smiling smugly, his eyes boring into mine. He leaned against the table and continued to stare at me.

"Reign," I whispered.

I was mesmerized by his appearance. He was wearing all black, casual yet sophisticated. I could tell there was a story behind that pretty face and I was going to find out just what that was.

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