chapter thirty four

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"Come on, wake up."



"No!" I repeated again, my voice muffled, due to the pillow under my face.

"Reign," I heard Tobias say in a stern manner like how a mother lectures her daughter. "You can't lounge in bed all day."

"Yes I can," I growled, lifting my comforters over my head. "Stop talking. You're giving me a headache."

Tobias sighed and I felt my bed slouch down. "Your finals are in a day. You need to study."

"I don't care," I retorted. "I'll wing it."


"Okay fine!" I yelled, my voice sounding like a run down animals. "I will get up and study. Just stop talking."

I ripped my comforters off my body, slapping Tobias while doing it, and stormed out of my bedroom. I retrieved my hoodie, well Tobias, that I left in the kitchen yesterday. I noticed that everything was put away and cleaned. Tobias must've done this last night after he put me down in bed. I trudged into my living room and pulled out my laptop. I saw Tobias grin widely at me as he saw me tie my hair back.

"Don't just stand there, smiling like an idiot," I argued, even though I loved the view. "Make me some chai."

"Anything for you," he said, kissing the top of my head. As he left I could hear him mumble how the hell am I supposed to make chai? I tried to contain my giggles that threatened to escape. This was going to be an interesting day...

A couple hours later, Tobias's head was resting on my belly, his eyes shut softly. His mouth was slightly opened and he made little whistling sounds as he slept. He was a baby, a baby who needed comfort from someone who cared about him to sleep, but he was my baby. Here I was the one who was sick yet I was taking care of him. A little chuckle escaped my lips as he started snoring in his sleep. I raked my fingers through his long hair. If he kept this up I wasn't going to get any studying down.


"Shit, shit, shit," I cursed, slipping into my Ugg boots. "I'm so late!"

My shower seemed to last longer than I anticipated. I couldn't help it, though. When I'm sick I feel dirty all over. I grabbed my bag and stuffed my laptop as well as my notebooks into it. Tobias rubbed his eyes, just now waking up. He glanced at my alarm clock and frowned.

"It's six in the morning. Your class isn't until seven," he said, resting his head back on his pillow.

"Yes, but I don't live in Manhattan smart ass. It takes me an half to get there, sometimes an hour with traffic."

Tobias grunted as I slapped my pillow on him. As I was about to hit him again he grabbed my wrists and pulled me down back onto the bed, pulling me into his arms.

"This is no times for games Tobias!" I bellowed, swatting his hands away from me. I was surprised I didn't lose my voice yet but if I continued to yell I knew I was going to. "Can you please take me to school? Or am I going to have to call an uber?"

Tobias released his hold on me and sighed. "Fine, I'll take you to school."

He grabbed his old hoodie, that I stole, and pulled it over his head. It fit him perfectly while it was three sizes too large for me. He noticed my frowning expression as we walked out of my apartment building.

"What?" He asked, swinging his keys around.

"You can't take that hoodie back with you," I bossed around, pulling my scarf over my neck. It started snowing again. "It mines now."

"I just needed something to wear," he replied, getting into his Range Rover. He turned his car on and began to let it warm up. "Don't worry. This way my scent would linger on it longer."

I blushed and looked out the window as he began to chuckle. He was an ass, pinpointing exactly why I liked his hoodie so much.

"Don't be embarrassed," he cooed, placing his hand on my thigh. "It's cute."

I slapped his hand away and glared at him. "You find humor in it."

"Well of course I do," he retorted, making a sharp left. "It's not every day you find someone taking comfort in your clothing."

"Well, it's not because it's yours," I argued. "It's.. It's soft."

"It's soft?" He repeated, snorting at me. "I bet you have a ton of soft clothing."

"And it's baggy," I continued, scowling at him. "Baggy clothes are always more comfortable than tight clothing."

"Then buy your own hoodie. You don't need mines."

"Yes, I do!"

He raised an eyebrow at my outburst as he got off the Brooklyn Bridge and into Manhattan. It usually takes me twenty minutes to get to school. Hopefully, Tobias will get me there before then.

"Just... Give me back the hoodie. Honor my sick wishes," I told him, rolling my eyes as he laughed.

"I was always going to!"

I groaned as we sat in the city traffic. Tobias had his windshield wipers on, trying to wipe the snow away.

"Why do you live in Brooklyn? The city is so much better."

"I love Dumbo," I enthused. "I'm right next to two bridges; Brooklyn and Manhattan's. It's so pretty. Besides, I hate the city traffic. I could never live there."

Tobias swerved into the bike lane and I looked at him, wide-eyed. "What? There's nobody riding their bikes in the snow."

"Still! You can't do that!"

"Do you want to make it to your finals or not?" He asked, taking another sharp turn.

"Of course I do but-"

"The only way you're going to make it on time is if I pass all the traffic. The only way I could do that is by bending the rules."

I crossed my arms as I looked at him. I knew he was right as much as I didn't want him to be.

"I bet you bend the rules anyways."

He flashes me a pearly white grin and I couldn't help but smile. "You know me so well."

Several more flirty comments and arguments later, I was outside of my psychology building. I sighed deeply, before looking at Tobias, ready to thank him. Instead, he grabbed the back of my head softly and crushed his lips against mines.

"Good luck. Call me when you need to be picked up."

I smiled at how thoughtful and sweet he was being. I leaned in to kiss him again but ended up sneezing on his lips. Tobias, who already had his eyes shut, opened them in shock.

"Did you just..."

"I got to go!"

With my cheeks flaming from embarrassment, I opened his car door quickly and escaped before I could face even more embarrassment. Why do I always manage to make a fool out of myself around him?

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