chapter sixty one

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OMG!!!!! FORBIDDEN LOVE IS #1 IN GENERAL FICTION *cries* Thank you all so much. I REALLY cherish each and everyone who comments, votes, or simply just reads my work! We've come a long way and it's almost over! As a thank you here's a new chapter :)

The soft hum of Tobias's breathing machine has gotten far too familiar and comforting. It was the one thing that was consistent; that and our daughter's cries. She might be tiny, but boy did she have a set of lungs on her.

Tiredly, I stood up from the seat next to Tobias's bed and went to the small crib I had the Pediatrics wing bring, after much protesting and begging. It's been two weeks since I've woken up from my coma and a little over a month Tobias has failed to wake up from his. I didn't give up faith, though. I knew Tobias; he wasn't going to give up.

"Hey sweet girl," I cooed, reaching over the crib as I got her.

Her cries didn't stop as I held her and I knew she was hungry. I went back to my seat next to Tobias's bed, opened but button down a little, and placed her tiny head on my breast. It was difficult for me to get used to the whole breastfeeding thing. The first time I tried it hurt like hell, but granted I was still recovering from my injuries. I had a nurse show me how and now I was a pro.

It was remarkable how our little girl managed to live with zero complications. With Tobias's bad history with heart problems and my reckless behavior in the early stages of my pregnancy, I was certain there would be something, anything wrong with her. But here she was, softly drinking my milk, her tiny eyes drooping as she did so.

"She has your nose," I softly said to Tobias, making sure I didn't wake her up. "She really is beautiful. I wish you could see her. If you would just open your bright hazel eyes and take a breath."

A sob was stuck in my throat, but I swallowed it down. "We didn't even get a chance to name her."

A single tear escaped from my eye and I quickly wiped it away. I brought our daughter back to the crib and tilted my neck, wincing. Though they said I healed while I was in a comma, it certainly didn't feel like it. Perhaps it was because I've been sleeping in the uncomfortable chair next to Tobias. Sometimes, I crawled in his bed with him, but never for the whole night. My little girl didn't allow me to.

"Hey, Reign!" Noel enthused, walking into Tobias's hotel room.

I shushed her immediately, not wanting my baby to wake up. Noel froze, her eyes widening as she whispered sorry. I fixed my shirt before I scooted her out. She frowned, but followed me anyway.

"What is it?" I asked, trying to keep in a yawn, but failing to do so.

"You need to go home and rest," she said, a small concerned frown approaching her face. "You've been here every day for the past two weeks."

"Well, the first week they forced me in my own room," I retorted. "I can't leave Tobias now Noel. What if he wakes up and I'm not here?"

"Then I'll call you! Or Scott would. You really need a shower," she replied, scrunching up her nose. "I'm sure little Reign would want to see her new home too. By now she probably thinks that this is her home."

I shook my head. "I can't. I can't raise her by myself, Noel. I need Tobias to pull through this."

Noel gently grabbed my forearm. "Tobias will, but honestly you don't need him in the way you think you do. You're already the most caring person I know, in your own way. You can do this. Be the strong mother your daughter needs."

I turned around and peeped in the window. From afar it looked like both father and daughter were peacefully sleeping, but I knew not everything was how it seemed. I just wanted Tobias to finally take a deep breath. Maybe they're something I could do since they were so persistent with not giving him a heart. At this point, they kind of had to since his injury now wasn't self-inflicted.

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