chapter eighteen

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Song on the side is kind of like Tobias's anthem to Reign :)

"Tobias... I can't," I replied frantically. I looked behind me again and saw a figure sitting on a bench. I bit my cheek from screaming.

"Reign," I heard him say calmly. His husky voice sounded even raspier and I wondered if I woke him up. "Stay where you are. I'm almost there."

I shook my head, tears threatening to escape. "Please hurry."

"Stay calm sweetheart."

My stomach fluttered from his nickname. It felt like years since I've heard him call me that. It vexed me at first but now it was soothing, it calmed me down. When I redirected my attention to the bench I noticed that the guy was gone. Fear ran through my veins. Where the hell did he go?

"Chilly night, eh?" A voice asked, inches away from where I was standing.

I jumped back, startled by the sudden encounter of a stranger. The guy was probably in his early thirties. He was beginning to get grey hair and he had a full beard already grown.

"Yeah," I replied weakly, stepping away from him slowly. "Very chilly."

"How about I help keep you warm?" He suggested, noticing that I was beginning to walk away. He stepped closer to me and I hoped that Tobias would be here soon.

I laugh uncomfortably, trying to show him that I wasn't scared but I failed to do so miserably. His face broke out into a daunting smile that made my skin crawl.

"I'm just waiting on my friend. He should be here soon, I better get going."

I turned around, trying to get away from him as fast as possible. I looked around me, searching for a building that was open at this time at night. The only place that is was the library and I'm too far from it. Another figure emerged from my left, causing me to scream. He was probably in his late twenties. With his bad odor and lack of style, he looked like a hobo.

"Would you look at that! I was waiting on my friend too and here he is," the first guy said.

I was trapped. I was going to end up on the news as one of those tragic girls who have been brutally murdered or raped. Tears began running down my eyes. Why me? There wasn't even anybody out on campus at this time. No one to save me.

"Aw, you picked us a sensitive one. You know I like them sensitive Brett," the other guy spoke.

I took that chance for me to run fast. Blood rushed through my ears as I ran. The cold air felt like a slap across my face but I didn't care. I continued to run as fast as I could. At this moment, my life could depend on it.

"Not so fast girly!"

I felt something pull my hair, resulting in tears automatically falling down my eyes. The back of my head throbbed from where he pulled it. I felt him yank my hair back again and I screamed out in pain.

"Tape her mouth!" I heard one of them whisper not so quietly.

I kicked whoever approached me hard in their leg. I would've aimed for their private parts but it was too dark to see. The guy cursed loudly. The next thing I knew he backhanded me across my face.

"Fucking bitch!"

He caught me off guard, allowing him to tape my mouth shut. I squirmed, kicked, and screamed. It was no use. The predators caught their prey and there was nothing left to do but wait for death.

"Where'd you park?" I heard one of them ask.

"We're almost there," he replied with excitement.

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