chapter fifty four

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Listen to the song on the side as you read :) Also, this chapter is dedicated to FashionKilla14. This girl has been with me from the start, literally. I was so happy because she was my first avid commenter and reader. She continues to support me till this day. So thank you girl! I appreciate you and thank you for continuing to support me on not only this story, but on my other story The Fire We Make as well :)

Tobias stepped into my apartment and I immediately knew it was going to be a long night. He had his NY cap perched on his head but underneath I could see his eye beginning to bruise. A gasp escaped my lips. As many times as I've seen him bruised and cut up it still surprised me.

"Are you fighting again?" I asked, slamming my door behind me. I crossed my arms as I watched him walk farther into my apartment.

"Yes," he replied honestly, casting his eyes down so I wouldn't have to see his face.

I scuffed before turning my head to the side. Of course he was. Why did I think he could ever think about his health for once? His near death experience did nothing to him. Hell, telling him that I was pregnant only influenced his behavior. Typical behavior from a coward 'man.'

I walked into my kitchen and began rummaging for my box of chai packets. I needed something to calm me down. Things were already bad between us and I had a gut wrenching feeling that it was only going to get worse. I fumbled around to find my favorite mug and I realized that I didn't wash any dishes. Sighing, I rolled up my sleeves and began to wash the small pile of dishes. I felt hands rest on top of my shoulders and I dropped the plate I was holding. Clank! No dishes broke thankfully but as I turned around to get a good view at Tobias I wished it had.

He was beautiful, even with his battle scars. With his sad, irresistible hazel eyes and his charming loop sided smile, I knew I was going to be under his spell again and I couldn't allow myself to do that again. Redirecting myself to the sink, I began to finish what I started. I heard Tobias sigh before he leaned his back against my counter top.

"I didn't have a choice. Fighting is in my blood, I need to do it," he claimed.

I ignored him and continued to scrub all the dirty dishes in my sink.

"Do you even still think of me?" He asked after a moment, his hands clasped in front of him. "Do you still think about me as you pass by the little Chinese take out place you love? Remember how we used to go there all the time? Or do you still think of me as you go to Noel's home? How you used to tell Noel you had to go home early to study, but you used to sneak over to my apartment instead. Reign, do you miss me as much as I miss you?"

I threw my dish towel down in anger as I wiped my hands. He had some nerve. "Of course I do. You were the single most important thing in my life and then you weren't."

"I can still be that person," he growled, stepping towards me. I stepped back until the back of hip bone hit the sink. "I'm still the person you fell in love with."

"Tobias, you lied to me-"

"To protect you!"

"To protect me?" I spat back. "Do you really think you lied about doing drugs, about your condition, to protect me? Did you really think that fucking Rachel was to protect me? You have some fucking nerve Tobias."

Tobias clenched his jaw as his eyes fixed on mines. "I never slept with Rachel. It's been a huge misunderstanding from the beginning,"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Then what is it? Why did you have to lie about it? I'm not dumb Tobias. At least have the decency to own up when you cheated on someone."

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