chapter forty

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Picture of Noel, Aja King, above.

I woke up to a tingling feeling. With my eyes half opened, I grumbled before removing my hand from under my stomach. I could instantly feel some relief on my hand, but I was still experiencing some numbness. I sat up and yawned, before rubbing my eyes. My head was still pounding from all the crying last night. I took in my surroundings and realized that I wasn't in my hotel room. I was still in Noel's room, meaning I must've fallen asleep.

I heard some water stop running and I noticed someone was taking a shower. Just as I tangled myself out of bed I saw Noel emerge from the bathroom with a fluffy white robe. Her hair was up in curlers but she was still beautiful.

"Great you're up!" She beamed, grinning at me as she brought out a bottle of lotion out of her bag. "We have a lot to do so chop chop!"

"Is there anytime you're not in a great mood?" I mumbled, running a hand through my nappy hair. I cursed mentally. Doing my hair was first on the list.

"Of course silly, but today is my wedding day!" She exclaimed, jumping eagerly. "Why wouldn't I be happy?"

I rolled my eyes, not matching her enthusiasm at this early in the morning. "I don't even remember falling asleep."

Noel shrugged before picking up the hotels phone. "I don't either to be honest. Scott and Julian stayed in your room since you know, Tobias was in the other..."

Just hearing Tobias's name made me inhale sharply. The wound is fresh and it hurt to just think about what I saw last night. I quickly shook my head, not letting him ruin my day. This was my best friends wedding day and I was not about to let him ruin it.

"I can ask Scott to bring all your stuff over here if you don't want to see Julian," Noel suggested, before hanging up the phone.

I shook my head before shrugging on my thin hoodie. "No it's okay. We're on good terms believe it or not. Besides, my stuff is everywhere. I doubt they would get it all."

Noel signed before coming around the bed to give me a supportive hug. "I know you're still hurting. But it will get better, it always does."

Hearing those words come out her mouth made me tear up. I was always telling her this type of stuff, never the other way around. It just seemed all so real now and I would have to face him soon. There was a knock on the door that startled us both.

"Room service!" A voice yelled, knocking on our door again.

Noel gave me a guilty look before opening the door. A butler entered our room, wheeling a table filled with delicious breakfast material. As I was licking my lips I heard Noel yelled.

"What the hell do you think you're doing outside of my hotel room?" She interrogated, yelling at someone outside.

I frowned, glancing at the butler before walking to the door. I held my breath as I saw Tobias stand up. He looked like mess, his face was pale and there were deep bags under his eyes. From the jacket wrapped up in a ball on the floor, I concluded that he slept out here all night.

"Don't worry Reign. I was just getting rid of him," I heard Noel hiss. "Don't think I don't know about you guys Tobias. I know everything right up to last nights events and by the time I'm done with you you'll wish you never met me."

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