chapter sixteen

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"What did you get?" Jamie asked, leaning over my shoulder.

I sighed and flipped my hair so she could get a better view. A big 67 was written on my paper in a bold red sharpie. Jamie let out a breath of air, clicking her tongue.

"Sorry babes. Did you not study the study guide? It's the first time he actually used questions from there," she explained, grabbing her bag. Her chair made a scraping noise and I cringed at the sound.

"I've been pretty occupied lately," I sighed once again. A 67? It's the worse I've done all year.

"If you ever want to study I meet with a couple of people every Tuesday afternoon. We're actually meeting today if you want to come."

I looked up at her chinky eyes that were hidden behind her granny glasses today. Even when she didn't try to look nice she look beautiful. Damn Asians.

"I would love that, I can't let my grade suffer more than it has."

She gave me an assuring smile before walking out. I tailed after her and was startled when I saw Noel standing outside the Psych building.

"Aren't you a little far from your end of classes?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

"Psh, is it so bad that I want to hang out with my best friend and maid of honor?" She asked, frazzled.

Best friend and maid of honor? Oh she definitely wanted something.

"What is it?"

"What's what?" She asked innocently. I scuffed at her. Sometimes I was a little worried at her absent mind.

"You just called me your best friend and maid of honor. You want something."

This time it was her turn to scuff. "I do not."

"Okay, well as much as I would love your company I have some work I need to finis-"

"Okay fine! I need you to come to the gym with me," she finally told me, biting her lip.

All week long she had me going everywhere with her; from the bakery to choose what type of cake she wanted to the salon choosing her nail polish color in advance. It was beginning to take a toll on me and my recent test grade proved it.

"I can't Noel. I need to study," I began to protest. I could see her begin to give me the puppy dog face she always used. "No, don't do that. I have to go!"

I began using my notebook as a shield to block her face. There was no way I was going to give in, not this time.

"Julian might be there," she teased.

My face instantly blushed. I knew I shouldn't have told her about our time out, or in. I really needed to control my hormones. It was like I needed a man in my life these days.

On top of that, Julian was the sweetest guy I've ever met. Yesterday morning he surprised me at school with coffee and a bagel, wishing me luck on my test. If only I had done well.

"Noel, I really need to study," I pleaded, showing her how much I meant it.

"You can exercise and study at the same time! They have little stands on the treadmill. Come on, we need to look great in the dresses."

The look on her face showed that I wasn't going to win, no matter how hard I tried to get out of this. She should've became a lawyer instead. I debated with myself a bit. I could always get the notes from Jamie. Defeated, I agreed with Noel to head to the gym not realizing I was going to face someone I've been dreading to see.

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