chapter eight

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Two weeks have passed and I haven't seen Tobias. On one hand I was happy; my life was getting back to normal. I went to my classes and worked my ass off as I have been for the last three years. On the other hand I felt empty, an adjective I would never use to describe myself. If I allowed Tobias to be in my life any longer I would've grown attached to him and that scared me.

I think apart of me knew why I picked on every date that I went out with. I didn't believe in relationships. Sure, there are some examples of successful relationships and Noel and Scott are one of them. But divorce rates are at an all-time high and they're only going to increase. I don't want to marry someone to only divorce them a couple of years later. What's the point in that?

I was at Noel and Scott's house. They were having a Halloween party. They invited fifteen of their close friends each, which was a little bit too much for their apartment. Noel was dressed up as Sandy from Grease, thanks to my help, and was glued next to Scott. She was flashing her ring off to all her friends proudly. While she was doing that Scott was looking at her intensely, full of love and happiness. I could tell they're going to be together for a long time.

Sighing, I got up and went to the kitchen. I looked under all their cabinets before finding Cabernet Sauvignon, my favorite type of wine. I kept a bottle here since I come here often. I poured myself a bit in a glass and returned the bottle in its rightful place. I went into Noel and Scott's bedroom and opened the balcony doors. I breathed in the cold air, enjoying the coolness. I took a sip of my wine, enjoying the familiar taste.

"Nurse Ratchett huh?" I heard a voice speak behind me. I saw Scott come out in his Danny costume from Grease.

I smile softly and take another sip of my red wine. "Yeah, you know how obsessed I am with that movie. Why aren't you inside?"

Scott sighed and leaned against the railing. You had a pretty good view of the city from up here, not the best but pretty close.

"I had to get away from all the congratulations and finally. It's too overwhelming," he said, shaking his head. "And did you know she wants to have the wedding during Christmas? How are we going to have everything done by then?"

"Well, there's something called a wedding planner. They're pretty good at their jobs you know."

Scott sighed again and sat down in one of the patio chairs. "I wanted a small wedding, preferably a destination wedding, just something we would both remember."

"It's your wedding. It would be memorable either way but if you really want to do that I suggest you talk to her about it."

I've known Noel and Scott for a long time now, but I've known Noel longer. She always wanted a wedding during Christmas time, just like her parents. They died before Scott could ever meet them so I knew she wanted this very badly.

"Hey! What are you guys doing out here?" Noel's bubbly voice spoke. She had a bright smile plastered on her face and I never seen her happier.

"Just taking a breather," Scott replied. He got up and gave her a kiss on the cheek before walking back inside. Her smile lingered for a moment but flattened when she saw my expression.

"Reign, what's wrong?" She asked, coming next to me. She put her hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me but it only made me want to remove her hand.

"Nothing's wrong," I told her while smiling.

"Cut the bullshit, you've been a ghost the last few weeks. I didn't say anything because I know how you are, you don't really like talking about your feelings, but I still need to know how my best friend is doing."

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