chapter fifty two

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Listen to the song on the side as you read the chapter. Also, read the authors note in its entirety at end of this chapter. It's some important stuff that I need your guys input on. Thanks!

I gave the driver a twenty before I rushed out of the yellow taxi. The salt they spread across the road crunched under my feet as I quickly hurried to the entrance of the police station. A million things were racing through my head. What did Tobias do? Was he hurt? What does this all mean for his heart?  I pulled my hair back as I raced to the front desk. The desk sergeant looked up at me with boredom.

"Here to bail someone out?" She asked in a monotone voice, looking everywhere but me.

"Yes!" I exclaimed without meaning to. "Tobias Sorensen. What is he being held for?"

This caught her attention. She chuckled before nodding. "Mr. I'm-a-famous-boxer? That guy is hilarious, the best company we had all night. Follow me."

My mouth was slightly gaped open as I followed her. What was her odd behavior about? And how come she didn't tell me what Tobias did? The curiosity was killing me. She led me down a long hallway with many doors until she led me down a smaller hallway. From here I could hear two male voices arguing.

"When I get my hands on you-"

"You'll what? You barely managed to get a punch in!"

My blood ran cold as I heard Tobias's voice. Was he fighting again? Did he really not care for his health? I scowled as I saw him standing behind a cell, his head leaning against the bars as his hands clutched them tightly. I could see some fresh cuts around his knuckles and I knew he was fighting again.

For some reason, this angered me. It was like he was doing everything in his power to kill himself faster. I mean, he admitted to still use heroin even after he was given his death sentence. But then he didn't do anything to help himself. He still fought professionally, he still smoked, though now he claims he quit. I let out a dry chuckle. I was in love with a fucking maniac.

My laugh made Tobias raise his head immediately. He looked terrible. He had deep bags under his eyes which made me wonder if he was stable enough to be up. His hair wasn't in its normal styled position but instead it was messy and it fell over his forehead. He looked like he was a completely different person. He no longer looked like that strong and charismatic Tobias I once knew. Instead, a distant and dirty boy filled his shoes.

"Reign," I heard him breath in relief. "I'm so glad you're here."

I snapped my eyes away from him and on to the policeman on watch. He held out a clipboard in front of me and gave me a list of instructions to do. As he was doing this, the desk sergeant was telling Tobias of how he needed to behave himself. I glanced over at him and he wasn't paying attention to her at all. He was pushed up against the bars of the cell, waiting to be free. Instead, his eyes were fixed on me. The intensity of his stare caused a jolt to pass through me. At that moment, it felt like it was just us two, nobody else.

"Mr. Sorensen? Did you understand?" The desk sergeant said, making Tobias come back to reality.

He looked at the desk sergeant as if he never saw her before. His eyebrows were scrunched up in confusion as he looked at her and then back at me. It was like he was in another place when he was looking at me. My heart raced at the thought. What did he see when saw me? Tobias nodded his head and the desk sergeant led him out the cell. He tried to come at me at once, but the desk sergeant held him back.

"Follow me son. You have paperwork to fill out too," she said, her stare looking cold as ever.

"Once second. I just need to-"

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