chapter one

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"What's your stance on gay rights?"

I heard a choking noise and I look up to see whatever his name is coughing up his steak. He takes a sip from his wine, trying to gain control over his lungs. I give him a fake look that displayed concern.

"That's a bold subject to start the date off," he said, clearing his throat while dabbing his mouth.

I shrugged and picked at my food, not really hungry even though the night just began.

"I was going to ask you sometime tonight, why not now?" I questioned, leaning forward.

"It's just not something someone would usually say when they just met someone."

I snort. "First impressions are key. They say a lot about someone. My first impression of you so far isn't the best," I said, cocking an eyebrow. He looked at me with his mouth open, lost for words, but I wasn't done yet. "First, you came twenty minutes late. Then, you forgot to make reservations resulting in me waiting another thirty minutes. And now you're wasting the rest of my delicate Thursday evening while I could be at home, in bed, watching Scandal."

The guy looked appalled. You could read every emotion on his face. I could tell he wanted to curse me out but couldn't. I don't know why he decided he couldn't. Maybe because we were out in public in a fancy restaurant or maybe it was because I was a girl. Either way, it didn't matter because he tossed a few twenties on the table and stood up abruptly.

"This was a mistake," he said fixing his tux.

I scoffed and lean back in my seat. "Clearly."

He clenched his jaw. "Goodnight Rayna."

"It's Reign," I replied, gritting my teeth.

I could hear him say whatever as he exited the restaurant. I decided to stay at the restaurant and finish my meal. It would be a shame to waste a meal costs more than a week's pay of minimum wage.

"More wine ma'am?" A waiter asked, carrying the same wine the guy was drinking.

I smiled politely and handed him my glass. "Yes, please. Can I also get one to-go box as well as the check?"

"Right away ma'am," he replied after filling my glass halfway.

I rubbed my temples as I waited for my boxes to come. I had to wake up early and attend my psychology class. I still don't understand what possessed me to take a 7 AM class. I also had to call Noel and yell at her for making me go out with yet another douchebag. At least this one had the courtesy of paying for dinner. The last guy just left.

I pulled my coat over my thin body and step into the chilling October night. With my box in one hand and my phone in the other, I hurried along with every other rushing New Yorker. I began to call Noel and waited for her to answer.

"Reign! Aren't you supposed to be on a date?" She asked in her bubbly voice.

I rolled my eyes as I waved my hand out for a taxi.

"It got cut short," I bitterly replied. I watched as a taxi speed right past me. Asshole.

"Aww, why? I really liked him!" She complained. Of course she did.

"Noel, you say that about every guy you hook me up with and they're all assholes. I don't even know why I go out with them. You obviously have bad taste in men."

She scuffed on the other line. "You just don't know how to keep a man."

A taxi finally stopped and I quickly got in, wanting to get out of the cold. I told him the address to my apartment and put the phone back to my ear.

"I can keep a man. They just can't keep me."

"Reign you left a date all because of the way one guy ate." I could imagine her rolling her eyes right now.

"Noel, you weren't there!" I exclaimed. "He was eating with his mouth opened and felt like it was okay to talk at the same time. It was disgusting."

"Besides that, he could've been a really nice guy."

"I'm not going on another one of your blind dates again," I declared, looking out the window. Random people were out and about. That was one of the things about New York City. You were bound to see someone outside no matter what the time was.

"But you have to go out with this guy in my Literature class. He says the most poetic things. I could see you guys hit it off."

I sighed at my best friend. Her only flaw was remaining optimistic. Others might find that a blessing while I hate it. It's just seems so tiring to always believe things were going to be okay, to just go with the flow. I was not one of those girls. I always prepared for the worst. Suddenly the taxi pulled over and I realized I'm already home.

"I'm home now. I'll see you tomorrow Noel."

"Saturday night. Seven o'clock. Be ready!"

I hung up on her and paid the taxi guy before getting out of the car. I looked both ways before crossing the street and head into my small apartment in Brooklyn.

"Hey Wallace," I called to the security guard. He was a fifty-year-old grandpa who was here every other night. I liked him much better than Peter, the guy who's here the other nights. Peter was probably in his late twenties and acted as if everything was a burden.

"Good evening Miss. Dawson," he replied smiling.

I stepped into the elevator and hit the number six. I waited patiently before stepping off my floor and into the hallway. I reached my apartment and gladly stepped inside. I kicked off my heels and left them on the floor next to the door. Next I took off my coat and laid it on top of my couch neatly.

I put my leftovers in the fridge and went to my bedroom. I stripped out of my dress, that didn't deserve to be wasted on an evening like tonight and stepped into some comfy pajamas. I hopped in bed and looked for Scandal in my DVR.

Kerry Washington's faced appeared on my TV screen and I laid back content. This was way better than dressing up and going to meaningless dates. I was done with dating. It didn't seem to work for me. I was going to go on one last date Saturday with whomever Noel summoned this time and stop there. I didn't need a man, I was happy by myself.

Or so I thought.

This is a new story idea I had in mind for a while! It's about an interracial couple. A little background info: Reign is 20 years old and is African American. She is also in college. Tobias, who has yet to be introduced, is 23 and Caucasian.

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