chapter twenty one

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Song for this chapter is All I Want by Kodaline. Listen to their songs! Only band I know who can sing way better live. Also we have a trailer! I made it!


"This is all wrong!" Noel screamed, throwing the flowers down in anger. "I specially told you yellow lilies only not some tacky wannabe flowers that resembles it!"

The young florist looked frightened as he gaped at her. "I'm... I'm sorry ma'am. I wasn't the one who was in charge of your event."

I felt bad for the young guy. He looked no older than seventeen, probably working a part time job. He didn't deserve the wrath of Noel. The stress of her wedding approaching was slowly taking a toll on her.

"Then get me whoever who is damn charge!" She yelled back, as if it wasn't obvious enough.

The guy quickly dispersed from behind the counter and into the back of the store. Noel was pacing around angrily while looking at the flowers on the floor with disgust.

"Why are they even working here if they can't tell the difference between a basic flower!" She half said half yelled.

I laughed a little earning a bewildered look from her. "You should really listen to yourself," I giggled, covering a hand over my face to hide my laughter. "If you don't think you've become one of those crazy brides, think again."

She glared at me before slamming herself in the seat next to me. I rubbed my arm which, was probably going to bruise from her aggressive sitting techniques.

"My wedding is in less than two weeks Reign. They have to ship everything there. If they can't get a simple order correct how are they going to manage to do that?" Noel asked, still heated but I could see she was beginning to calm down.

"I think you should just take a deep breath," I calmly told her, placing my hand over hers in a supportive way. "Everything will be fine."

"I don't need it to be fine," she sighed, "I need it to be perfect."

I looked over at her. She had a deep frown placed firmly on her forehead. A tear escaped and she quickly wiped away.

"Your mom would be so proud of you. Your father too," I whispered, feeling emotion all of the sudden.

Noel didn't have to say anything for me to understand that she was okay. Instead she held my hand tightly while looking straight ahead. Just one look at my crumbling face would make her burst out in tears. How this girl continues to stay strong after all these years was beyond my understanding.

A middle-aged man with an uneven hair cut and mismatch clothes emerged from the back room. He gave a look to the younger worker and he nodded his head hesitantly.

"Hello Ms. Cole. My name is Robero," he said in a slight Italian accent, "I was informed you were unhappy with your arrangement?"

"Honestly, I'm a little bit more than unhappy. I'm disappointed," she replied, sitting firmly in her seat.

"Those," she said pointing to the flowers on the ground, "are not yellow lilies."

"No, they're not," he replied, clicking his tongue. "The person helping you is fairly new and young. Mistakes happen-"

"There can't be any mistakes! This is my wedding we're talking about!" She shouted, getting up from her seat. "From now on I want you Roberto to be in charge of my order. If there are any mistakes and I mean any you won't be standing in the same position you are now."

I looked at Noel in shock. She was always so sweet and giddy, remaining optimistic whenever possible and here she was threatening a man's job!

Roberto gulped and nodded. "Yes ma'am. No mistakes."

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