chapter fifteen

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"What made you change your mind?" Julian asked, opening the door for me to TGI Fridays.

I shrugged as I walked inside, thanking him briefly, before I started to scout out a free table. "What was complicated was no longer complicated."

Julian gave me a sideways smile. "You're really not going to tell me anything are you?"

I smiled before taking a menu. "Nope."

Julian chuckled. A waitress with a choppy blonde bob and grey eyes approached our table with a huge grin across her face.

"Hey there. My name is Jessica and I'll be your server for tonight. Can I start you two off with any drinks?" She pulled out her notepad and pen and looked between us eagerly.

She must really love her job.

Julian looked at me and I realized he didn't know what I liked to drink. I usually only went out with Scott or Noel so I was used to them ordering for me.

"Just water," I told her, smiling. Julian ordered the same and she scurried off into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry that our dinner's going to get cut short. My hours are crazy right now."

I looked up from the menu and shrugged. "It's okay, as long as you're here now."

Jessica returned with our drinks and brought her notepad out. "Are you guys ready to order?"



I laughed at Julian's confused face before shaking my head. "I'm ready when you are."

He scratched his head and looked intensely at his menu. "I don't eat out a lot so maybe you could order for me?"

I giggled at his confused expression before turning my attention to the waiting waitress. "Can we get two servings of fries and Time Square Big Share for the both of us?"

"You sure can! I'll be back out soon!" Jessica exclaimed. She took our menus and left as quickly as she came.

When I looked up from my drink I saw Julian staring at me in curiosity.

"What?" I mumbled, suddenly feeling self conscious.

"You intrigue me."

My heart sped up and I quickly looked for something to do, anything. I didn't like the way his eyes stared at my intensely; it was as if he could see right through my soul.

"There's nothing interesting about me-"

"Oh, but there is," he said cutting me off.

My eyes snapped back up at him and I saw he was leaning back, his eyes never leaving mines.

"Noel has told me a lot about you."

I snorted. Of course she did. She's been playing matchmaker ever since high school. I don't think she realizes that everybody doesn't need a partner.

"I knew you looked familiar at the grocery store, even though you were dressed up," he continued. "Then it hit me. Scott's high school graduation cookout."

I frowned, not remembering that I ever met him. I mean surely I would've remembered someone like him; he was unforgettable.

"You don't remember me, do you?" He asked, chuckling.

Jessica returned with our food, smiling while doing so. I had to remember to leave her a good tip.

"I don't, sorry," I mumbled before drizzling my fries with ketchup.

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