chapter forty seven

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"You need to get out of bed," Noel complained, spreading my curtains open.

I cringed before pulling my comforters over my head. After seeing Tobias last night, I made the mistake in calling Noel and telling her what happened. Luckily for me (hint the sarcasm) her honeymoon was over as of this morning and she wasted no time in barging in my house with her copy of my key. I really needed to take that away from her.

My heart clenched as I thought about Tobias. I still loved him, I think I always will. But I couldn't shake the feeling away that I will always be lied to again. I couldn't be in a relationship where I will always be second guessing his motives or actions. I'll drive myself crazy. I remembered as he recovered from his little panic attack, how he looked so upset.

"I need you."

I stood paralyzed, staring at him as his chest staring rising up and down evenly again. He pushed his hair back that was starting to stick to his forehead. Sweat was glistening all over his face as he stared at me.

"I know you don't trust me and, believe me, I hate myself for doing this to you. I just need to know you'll forgive me. Not today, but someday."

Tobias smiled a sad smile before reaching down to collect the rest of his pills. I watched as his long fingers picked up every last pull before he put them back in the bottle. He sighed as he stood up, looked back at me.

"I love you Reign and because I love you I'll give you time. I just hope it's not too late."

Tobias stopped in front of me before he gently placed his hand behind my head. I closed my eyes as I felt his lips kiss my forehead lightly. I continued to keep my eyes close as he left because the moment I opened them I would've known that all this was real, that the pain I was still enduring was there.

I opened my eyes, remembering everything so vividly as if happened just happened a moment ago and not last night. I sighed, pushing my hair wrap off my head. When did my life become so crazy because of a boy?

"Reign!" Noel shrieked, throwing my hairbrush at me.

My reflexes were significantly slow today, resulting in the hair brush hitting me on the side of my jaw. Noel gasped, putting her hand over her mouth. I screamed out in pain before glaring at her.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't think I was going to actually hit you!"

"Why are you even here?" I hissed out in pain, clutching my jaw as it continued to throb.

She puts her hand on her hips as she raises an eyebrow.  "Umm, let's see. Something that has to do with the message you sent me last night about Tobias."

"I told you on the phone you didn't have to worry about me. I just wanted to keep you in the loop."

I got out of my bed, pulling my comforters off my body before I slipped out of my bedroom. I could hear Noel follow me and I mentally cursed to myself in my head. I knew Noel would rush over the second she got the message, however, I hoped that since she just got back from her honeymoon in Paris she would be too jetlagged to come over. I was terribly wrong.

"No no no. Subconsciously you wanted me to come over. What's that called? You told me about it when you took your first psychology class," she spoke, frowning down at the floor. "Well, anyways that's why you called! Because you wanted me to come over so you can talk about your feelings and stuff!"

"You know I don't talk about my feelings," I retorted, opening my freezer.

I took the tray of ice and placed it on my counter. I grabbed a towel from the bottom drawer and placed a couple of ice cubes inside.

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