chapter forty one

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"We are joined here today to witness Scott Richards and Noel Cole join hands in marriage."

Noel was practically bouncing as the priest began the ceremony. I couldn't contain the smile I had on my face either. Looking at Scott and Noel alone was almost enough to make forget all my worries. Almost.

My eyes accidentally glanced towards Tobias. He was already looking at me, his eyes big and sad, and his body stiff and rigid. He looked hurt, and bothered, like standing here was punishment when all he wanted to do was go somewhere else. When he noticed that I was looking at him he instantly fixed his posture and looked interested, as if looking at me struck something through his body. But I couldn't take it, the hope in his eyes, the way he leaned in, it was all too much. I had to tear my eyes away before I would crumble. I knew that I would, it was only a matter of time.

"You may now say your vows."

Scott went first, pulling out a menu. Noel frowned at him, clearly not happy that his vows were on something so uncharming.

"Relax babe, I was hit with inspiration at work."

A bunch of awes were exchanged outside. I looked around and saw hundreds of smiling faces stare back at us. In the front row I could only see Scott's family, his mother, father, ten year old brother, and grandad. His older sister was missing, which wasn't a surprise. She took after the family tradition and went on to become a lawyer, a very successful one at that, which resulted in her missing some important moments. The front row would've also been filled with Noel's family, if she still had one. She had one aunt, on her mothers side, but she wasn't very fond of Noel's mother. In fact, if I remember clearly, she didn't even attend their funeral.

Everybody else, however, looked elegant and spiffy. I wouldn't recognized half of them if I were to see them on the streets or pass by them going to school. I spotted a couple of our high school friends and a few of her friends from Columbia. Nobody could deny that this was a homey and warm setting. Everybody was here out of love, and Noel wouldn't have it any other way.

Scott cleared his throat before looking up from his menu. He scratched his head, looking around in the audience, before tucking his menu away. I frowned, wondering why he just did that. He gently grabbed Noel's hand, holding it as he smiled.

"Noel you are my best friend, my fiancé, my almost wife, and most importantly the love of my life. Being with you, loving you, wasn't easy."

I let out a chuckle before saying "isn't that right", making everybody in the audience chuckle, even Noel.

"But was every second worth it. I don't think there's anything about you that I don't love. I love how I wake up, all grumpy and tired, while you look like a Victoria Secret model with a huge grin on your face. I love how invested you get into things, how you have to complete something or it drives you crazy. I also love your ability to love, after all that you've been through, and you're still loving me till this day."

Even though I couldn't see Noel I could tell she was crying by the way she kept moving her hand to her face. Scott looked behind him and got the ring from Julian. He opened the box and I saw an even more dazzling ring than the one I saw at the jewelers.

"This ring belonged to my mother and she and I both agreed that there was nobody else more suitable to wear this than you. You never once cared about how wealthy my family was or expected anything out of it. That just made me fall for you even more. So to you, Noel Cole, I vow to always love you, for better or for worse, and to never leave you. I vow to hold you close in the moments you need it the most. I vow to never cause you any harm and to always protect you. After all, you are my queen and I cannot survive without you."

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