chapter forty four

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"I don't know, she's been like this for hours."

"Well she has to get up some time. Her flight is in four hours!"

"It's Reign. She can handle herself."

"I don't know Julian. This really shook her up."

The first thing I felt was an intense pain shooting through my hand. Groggily, I lifted my hand and brushed away the hair that laid on my face. I winced as I did so. My eyes slowly adjusted to my surroundings and I saw my hands, or rather my knuckles, were blotchy and red. I hissed out in pain as I ran my fingers through each knuckle. I really needed this looked at by someone. I sat up and realized that I was in my pajamas. I frowned, not remembering ever getting changed. Actually, I don't ever remember coming into my hotel room.

"I should've punched that son of a bitch harder than that," I heard Julian snarl.

"Why are you being so nice to her? No offense, but she did break up with you for another guy," I heard Noel retort.

"I was raised better," he simply replied. I heard some shuffling. "I have to respect her choices."

There was some silence and I decided that this was my chance to emerge from hiding. My door was cracked closed and I weakly pulled the rest open. Immediately Noel and Julian's eyes snapped at me. Julian had a towel resting on his hand and as he placed it on the coffee table I heard something shuffle in it, making me think it had something hard, like ice in it. Noel was dressed nicely, too nicely. Then I realized that she should've already been on her honeymoon.

"Reign," Noel gasped.

"How are you?" Julian finished, getting up, frowning with curiosity.

"What happened to your hand?" was all I managed to get out.

Julian and Noel looked at each other, concern flashing through their face. I dragged myself out of my bedroom and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed for a glass. As I reached out the skin around my knuckles began to stretch, sending sharp pain throughout my hand. I cursed and dropped my glass, sending little pieces of glass shattering all over the hotel's wooden floor.

I heard Julian say something under his breath before getting up. I crouched down to retrieve all the broken pieces but stopped when I sliced a piece of glass against my index finger.

"Ah, fuck," I hissed, squeezing my finger.

"You're a mess Reign," Julian jeered, looking at me like I was a child.

He grabbed my hand and placed it under the faucet. Cold water instantly hit my knuckles and fingertips and I grimaced from the pain. I tried to move my hands back but Julian wouldn't budge.

"Julian! Let go of her hands! Don't you see it's hurting her?" Noel angrily demanded, getting up from her seat on the stool.

"She needs to wash off all the blood so that I could carefully clean it or it'll get infected."

I bit my lip as he raked his fingers against my knuckles, tearing off all the dried up blood. I could see all the blood shine brightly against the dull cream colored sink. Under all the blood I finally noticed how bad my cuts were. I could see little pieces of skin tared in between each knuckle. My fingers weren't as bad but they weren't good either.

"It's not as bad as I thought," I heard him mumble as he inspected it more deeply.

I looked at him in shock. Not as bad as he thought? I have little to no skin left! How is that okay? Julian saw my bewildered expression and chuckled.

"I mean you won't need stitches or anything extreme. Stay here. I'm going to retrieve my first aid kit from my bags."

Julian left my side, turning off the water, and exited the kitchen. Why he carried a first aid kit with him on vacation I would never know but I had a feeling it was because he was a doctor.

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