chapter twelve

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"Cup your hands together."

"Why?" He pondered, his voice raspier than usual.

"Just do it," I replied, rolling my eyes.

I was back at Tobias's apartment. After his confession I found myself wanting to be around him. I had so much more respect for him once I found out about his troubling past. He somehow convinced me to come stay the night with him. I couldn't come up with any excuse considering it was a weekend and I had no classes to attend.

I felt the bed shift as he laid on his back. My eyes adjusted to darkness. The only source of light that was visible was from the luminous moon. It created a silhouette of our bodies on the wooden floor.

"Okay now what?" He asked. I laid on my stomach and admired his rugged face. His eyes fluttered rapidly as he tried to adjust to the darkness.

"Do you see a smiley face or a frown?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked amused. I smiled softly before leaning over his chest. He was shirtless and I could feel his toned stomach under my arms.

"Look at your palms as you cup them. There should be a line that connects. Look at mine," I told him.

I cupped my hands in front of him and showed him what I meant. Since he was propped up on his pillows he could see at a much better advantage.

"It's a frown."

I nodded. "Let's see yours."

Tobias cupped his hands again. I leaned over his chest and noticed that his formed a frown as well. I traced them softly with my index finger.

"Looks like you hide behind a smile as well."

"What does this all mean?"

His voice was deep and husky. I noticed his voice changed significantly when he was tired.

"I don't know honestly," I replied while exhaling deeply. I rested my head on his chest and it felt rise gently every second or so.

"Do you ever wish you can sit on a cloud?" He asked suddenly.

I giggled a little at his random question and heard him complain through my laugher.

"It's a serious question!" He defended. I could feel his stomach vibrate from laugher.

"I never thought about it. But now that you say it I do. It'll be like one big fluffy pillow."

"Sometimes I have these weird dreams where I'm all these different objects."

"And sometimes you're a cloud?" I ask, tilting my head upward so I was facing him.

"It's weird I know."

I shrug and rest my head back on his chest. "Not really. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Dreams... Dreams are just our subconscious working things out. It's kind of like a filter that keeps the conscious mind from going insane. We all need to have weird dreams now and then."

"Look at you being all studious. You'll make a great psychiatrist one day," he earnestly replied.

I felt my cheeks warm from his compliment and a smile formed that I didn't think would leave anytime soon. My stomach grumbled unexpectedly and I cursed myself for ruining such a good moment.

"Are you hungry?" He asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"I'm fine," I mumbled. This was a lie. After all that walking I was starving.

"Your stomach just growled. You're hungry," he protested. Before I could argue he got up making my body slump on his bed.

"Hey! I was using your body was a pillow," I complained.

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