chapter fifty seven

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So I decided to focus on the plot, but there's a little surprise at the end of this chapter so make sure to read the AN! this chapter is dedicated to Noma9209 because she always comments so passionately lol I love it, thank you!

"I really don't want to go to this," Tobias complained, playing around with the edge of his collar, pulling it away from his neck.

I swatted his hand away and made him stop outside the restaurant. The windy February wind slapped my legs, making my dress flow around me. Tobias looked down at me as I fixed his collar. I pressed it down so it looked nice and neat. It's been awhile since I've seen him look this good. The last time was Noel's wedding and I couldn't even appreciate it.

"You agreed to Tobias. Besides, it's my best friends birthday. Do you really think I'm going to miss it because of your whining?" I protested, trying to raise my eyebrow. I still never mastered it.

Tobias chuckled at my fail attempt and sighed before pulling my hair back. He held the back of my head tenderly, tilting my head back so he could get a good look at me.

"God, I love you even if you drive me crazy," he admitted, his eyes never leaving mines.

Just as I was about to stand on my tippy toes and kiss him, the door to the restaurant opened and I saw Julian wrapping his scarf around his neck. I stepped away from Tobias like I was a little kid who just got caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar. Julian walked towards us and I could feel Tobias step behind me, his arm wrapping around my waist.

"How are you feeling?" Julian asked, rubbing his hands together. "Any complications?"

"I'm all good," Tobias said stiffly.

"Are you sure? You should be feeling some slight-"

"I said I'm good," Tobias said, gritting his teeth.

I looked up at him, wondering what his cold behavior was about. Julian got the hint that Tobias didn't want to talk to him and told us he'll see us back in the restaurant soon. Tobias clasped my hand in his and lead me inside the restaurant before I could even ask what the hell was wrong with him.

"Reign! You made it!" Noel exclaimed.

I didn't want to leave Tobias alone after how he just acted, but he released my hand and went to sit down. Where his hand once was now felt cold and empty. I plastered a semi-fake smile at my face and gave her a hug, pulling her thin body into my own.

"Sexy mama! I see you're already showing a bit," she commented, winking at me. "Have you started baby shopping? Oh! I can be in charge of your baby shower!"

I let out a nervous laugh. "You're making me feel very unprepared. I mean Tobias just moved in with me last week and soon we need to start looking for a new, bigger apartment."

This was true. With half of Tobias' stuff now in my apartment, we definitely had no room to raise a baby in. Maybe it would be fine when they were an infant, but once they start crawling and walking we would need to find a new place to live. I felt like finding a place now would be best since we both needed a change in scenery. I could tell Tobias wasn't all that flattered with my place and I definitely wasn't with his, however, he sacrificed this to be with me. I was ready to leave my apartment anyways. I've been there since my freshman year at Columbia.

"Does that mean they found him a heart?" Noel asked hope spread all over her face.

It felt like a needle was being punctured in my heart every time I thought about this. I shook my head no and gave her a small, sad smile. She sighed and pulled me in for another hug, only this time it was an I'm sorry hug. More guest arrived and soon she abandoned me to greet them. I slide in the seat next to Tobias noticed he was drinking a beer.

"I wish I could have some of that," I sighed, leaning over my seat so that I was closer to him. My head rested on his arm and I could already feel myself begin to feel tired.

"You hate beer," he said, smoothing my hair in a gentle manner.

"I just want some alcohol beverage," I admitted.

In the distance, I saw Julian return with a small box in his hands. He gave it to Noel with a smile and a hug. I could hear them talk about something discreetly, looking suspicious. I tried to make out what they were saying, by the way, their lips were moving, but my attention was brought back to Tobias.

"Reign," he said, his voice irritated as if he said my name for the tenth time.

"Hmm?" I asked, snapping my head back towards him. He had a frown on his face as he rested his arm against the back of my chair.

"What's on your mind?"

I debated asking him about what happened earlier with Julian. I knew if I asked it could go one of two ways. One, he would try to avoid the subject and we would have an argument. It's been a week, a nice blissful week of no arguing, which was surprising considering our moving in disagreements. Or two, he would say something I didn't want to hear. I didn't know which one I preferred to experience.

"What happened earlier, between you and Julian?" I pondered out loud. "Why were you so quick to jump at him? He was just asking you how you were and-"

"Is that really what's bothering you? Why I was rude to Julian?" He asked, looking a bit relieved.

"Yes, Tobias. The way you were saying it was like you were hiding something," I interrogated.

"Reign," he sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. "Sweetheart, I have nothing to lie to you about."

I stared back at him. He wasn't exactly lying, but he wasn't telling the truth either. I could tell from the way he was trying to avoid eye contact with me that something else was going on. I rested my hand under my chin and gave him a long hard look, waiting for him to crack. He didn't though.

But at the moment I wish he had. Maybe if he had told me the truth what followed next would have never happened. Maybe the aching my heart would dissolve and I wouldn't be in the position I was in now. But he didn't.

As we all got Noel gather around her birthday cake, I thought that my life was finally coming together. I stole a glance at Tobias and saw him grinning down at me. What I didn't know was this was one of the last moments that I would ever see him smile again.

Okay. So I was having trouble writing hence the long wait and the short chapter. Also, midterms week is next week so I've been prepping for that. I started writing a filler, but it wasn't working out too well.

So I displayed a lot of not so subtle clues lol. What do you think is going to happen next?

As for the surprise, I have this idea in mind where you can comment any chapter or scene of this book and I'll write it in Tobias's point of view. For example I could write about Tobias when he first saw Reign or when he found about Rachel. It'll be better to write out that chapter but if it's just the scene that's fine too!I'll list all the chapters/scenes and then we'll vote! I'll only write one chapter in Tobias's point of view so make sure it's one that you want!

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