Chapter 2

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Ji Chang wook and his wife nam hyun was sitting in the booked restaurant with yanli waiting for the wang s to arrive .

" ohh you guys have already arrived" suddenly lee min hoo spoke coming from behind . Yes the wang s have arrived with Jackson .

" yes , just reached a while ago anyway let's sit and tell them" ji Chang wook signaled them to have a seat . Both family made yanli and Jackson sit across them making them confused .

" seems like you have something to tell us I guess" Jackson spoke looking at his father and ji Chang wook . The parents nodded and started .

" do you guys know how ur parents died" both yanli and Jackson looked at each other then nodded.

" by plane crash" both said in unison .

" yes but the true story behind the plane crash" Jackson and yanli was confused too much , they didn't know what they are talking about .

" it was purposely planned , there was a bomb and that's what happened" go eun started tearing up . Nam hyun seeing this immediately patted her hand mouthing "it's alright" .

" WHATT" both Jackson and yanli got up from their seat staring at the adults

" yes yes we will say what happened , calm down and sit , that's why we called you two except zhan and yibo bcs they will create a mess" lee min hoo signaled them to sit down again which they did .

" ok we will listen" yanli said and waited for the truth

" so this is what happened" ji Chang wook with the others started explaining what happened
10 years ago.....
Flashback 10 years ago......

( the real parents will be addressed as yibo s mom/dad , Zhan s mom/dad) "Honey come on , we will surely miss the flight if You take this long" zhans mom shouted waiting for her lazy stubborn husband .

"both friends are the same anyway , what to do" yibo s mom said sitting in the couch waiting for her husband as well .

Yes yibo and zhan s dad are best friends since kinder garden , nothing has stopped their friendship . They found themselves beautiful wife's and had two kids .

Right now they are in Korea since they came to a business deal . Both family parents left their children's in China with their head nannies . Now after their work is finished they are getting ready to return to China .

" ok we are ready" both yibo s and zhan s dad said in unison as they came out .

" aren't we handsome" asked yibo s dad

" yes yes you are , can we leave now I can't wait to see my beloved kids" both moms dragged their husbands out of the hotel room or else they will surely miss the flight .

Within a half an hour ride , the family's reached the airport . They just couldn't wait to get back to their kids and hug them play with them as it's been one month already . They passed everything and is sitting in their assigned seat together inside the plane .

" just 4 more hours and we finally can kiss ours youngsters" smiled both zhans and yibo s mom .

The plane took off and is now flying in the air touching every clouds which is on their way . Everyone had their normal food which the plane delivers and is now taking a nap when a plane host came near their seat and gave them a special card .

" sir this card was given by one of the passengers , it is special one they said" and she left leaving the card near yibo s dad .

" what is written honey" asked yibo s mom and zhan mom and dad looked at yibo dad for the answer .

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