Chapter 30

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" aiya... yibo I am sorry" Xiao zhan awkwardly smiled . How can he forget to take the bread out .

" maid ... are you gonna make me wait for half an hour again" yibo asked in a irritated tone . Who wouldn't be angry when they don't get food in time .

" yibo it will be ready within five minutes .or.."

" I need it exact five minutes even one second late , you will be fired" yibo said coldly and walked out of the kitchen leaving zhan to hit himself with the poor bread .

" fired , he dare fire his own boyfriend wow.." zhan mumbled rolling his eyes . He fetched some bread again and started re doing his cooking . Like said within exact five minutes the breakfast both yibo and zhan was ready .

" just two more second and if your lat..."

" HERE" zhan kept the plate of breakfast infront of yibo . He took his seat and now both were glaring at each other like they are born to do that .

" they say memory can be healed if we do the same action again , this dining table ..hmm didn't we share a kiss .." zhan thought looking at yibo who just started eating his breakfast soundlessly .

" yibo come sit here , I have a surprise for you" zhan called out tapping an empty seat beside him . Yibo looked at him confused and lastly sighed getting up from the seat and went to sit beside his maid .

" what is..." yibo eyes widened with the sudden attack ..

" AHHHHH...." he screamed at top of his lungs .. Xiao zhan by the other hand became a statue not moving an inch heading the biggest scream in the universe well think like that .

" what the hell , I didn't even make a move" zhan said patting his chest to calm his heart down . If he have leaned closer and yibo have screamed , for sure his life would have come to an end .

" meowww..." zhans hand formed into a fist ready to punch himself . He looked under the table to find popcorn near yibo d legs .

" get it out" yibo said breathing heavily . He kicked popcorn from the head making popcorn fly to other dimension .

" yibooo... don't do that" zhan went towards popcorn taking it in his hand patting popcorns head .

" it's nasty" yibo said and ate his breakfast .

" meow ...(master)" popcorn made light sound which zhan immediately understood that it was hurt cuz of yibo .

"Your master will recover soon and we both will have peace and our love back ok" zhan said smiling at popcorn who wiggled closer to zhans tummy and enjoy the smoothness .

" popcorn why don't you go to your bed while I eat breakfast" zhan asked patting and popcorn just jumped out and went towards one of the couch and rolled there .

Both wang yibo and Xiao zhan finished their breakfast and was sitting on the couch together watching some videos . Yibo chewing a bubble gum and zhan watching yibo and tv time to time .

" let's do this maid" yibo said suddenly after he checked a message which was sent by his friend . A video .

" what .." zhan asked . Yibo move closer to zhan and show the video to him . Zhans eyes widened seeing the video . It was a video with the head name as bubble kiss .

" are you sure , aren't you afraid your first kiss will go.." zhan asked wanting to jump bcs of happiness . Well of course it's not their first kiss but yibo doesn't remember so yeah .

" who cares.." yibo said and started making a bubble with his gum . Zhan looked at how yibo sexily chewed the gum and how he is blowing it to make it a bubble . Zhan did not even realize that yibo and leaned closer .

Popcorn was watching everything and knew she can't escape nor she wants to . Who wouldn't want to enjoy the scenery especially when you want your master to remember everything .

Both bodies connected as yibo s hands made its way to zhans waist and zhans face leaning closer . Lastly the bubble touch zhans lips

[ I know the edit is messed up but I tried ]

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[ I know the edit is messed up but I tried ]

Yibo started pressing the bubble closer and closer to zhans lips . At last the bubble pops and both the lips touched each other . Yibo eyes went wide wanting to pull away . But zhan pulled him closer and kissed deeply sending shivers down his body .

Yibo not knowing what all kind of sensation going inside his body just let zhan do anything . He doesn't know how to kiss back , he just took the kiss as a play and nothing else . Zhan feeling thought of venting it on yibo s lips by ravishing them .

Zhan placed his palms on yibo s face and bit yibo s loser lips making yibo scream in pain . But zhan took this chance to let his playful tongue taste the younger s mouth . He inserted his long sexy pinkish tongue inside yibo s mouth . He swirled his tongue in
Yibo s tongue .

Yibo tasting something wired closed his eyes and then opened it again . He rolled his eyes again and again trying to identify what the thing is or what kind of taste he was tasting . Zhan was just enjoy the warmness inside yibo s mouth , he don't care if yibo slaps him after this , he just wants to ravish his boyfriend .
Zhan being naughty smirked in between the kiss and started unbuttoning yibo s shirt . Yibo who was alerted immediately pushed zhan off . His face was blushing for some unreasonable matter . Zhan giggled seeing yibo button his shirt was to the way it was before .
Zhans head pop out another idea which will be a evil one .

" the child yibo will not know many things , well let me teach you some now" zhan thought in his mind and smirked wildly .

" yibo .. do you like popsicles" zhan asked trying to keep a normal expression .

" yes ofcourse I love it , I even tasted every flavor" yibo said clapping his hands , seems like he is very happy ..

" but you haven't tasted one flavor , it's different and unique" zhan replied not wanting yibo to find out he is planning something .

" what how can I leave one flavor , which is it I want it" yibo said getting up from the couch .

" the popsicle name is ..." zhan stopped in the middle ...

" it's name is *dick*" zhan answered licking his lips and knew yibo is gonna slap him but the next thing what yibo asked made his heart beat stop ..

" I want it now , I want to taste *dick* right now" ....
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I am sorry but my brain is working opposite in this story . I switched it to crazy mode accidentally I guess . One thing please don't learn anything from this story or you might get yourself embarrassed

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