Chapter 13

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"Yibo what happened , are you angry huh , why is your room like this" go eun asked worried seeing the new sight she had never seen . It made her think that yibo might have remembered the past that he threw his clothes like this .

"Mommmmm,...uwuwuwu.....mommmmm" yibo cried hugging go eun.....


" yes what is it yibooo..... come on say mom or she will have pain in her heart" go eun tried pleading yibo to say what's wrong with him .

"MOM I.....AM.....IN .....GREATTTT..TROUBLEEE" yibo wiped his tears hardly and started digging in his closet again . Go eun got worried when yibo started acting like this crying and keeps on saying he is in trouble .

" honey get here right now" go eun yelled and lee min hoo ran came inside panting . He saw the room and gulps down .

He rubbed his eyes to make his vision clear again but all he sees is the same sight which he saw the moment he entered the room .

" I am not dreaming right" lee min hoo asked widened and picking up the clothes to see if it was ghost or real .

"Meowwww (no)" popcorn meowed and just walked out of the room angrily can't believe her favorite person just threw clothes at her .

" yibo what's going on , ur tears are been shedded and if this keeps going on , ur tears will become river and this dress will all mix up with ur tears and it will be a laundry" go eun looked at her husband confused .

" it will be like we put these clothes in the washing machine" lee min hoo explains again .

" why did I call you here , I should have called Jackson" suddenly a voice cut go eun .

" did someone call me , I am here" Jackson walked inside the room and spins his head .

" did I come into the wrong bedroom" he asked confused again .

" of course not" lee min hoo replied sighing .

" but clothes scattered , it's unbelievable no way .... a person who hates to see clothes scattered everywhere is the person who scattered it " Jackson is still dazzled by yibo .

"don't say me it's zhan again" Jackson thought worriedly .

Yes yibo has a behavior that he shouldn't see any clothes scattered especially his clothes . If his clothes are found anywhere scattered in couch bed or bathroom , his blood will boil but this time yibo is the one who did what he hates the most .

" did he clearly loose his memory or what" Jackson asked and moved towards yibo and dragged him away from the closet .

" hey what the hell , I am busy" yibo yelled but still Jackson made him sit in bed and sat on top of his lap so yibo can't escape .

" HEYYYY!!!!!" Yibo shouted and pushed Jackson of his lap . Jackson falls down with a *thud* and glared at yibo .

" you did not even push zhan away then why mee" Jackson asked angrily getting up from the floor .

" u idiot , it's because zhan is his lover" Lee min hoo rolled his eyes while in thoughts .

" he is different , he had fluffy ass and you have hmmm volcanic ass" yibo replied getting up and went back to the closet to dig out the clothes and throw them away like a dog digs sand to take its favorite bone.

"WHAT.. THE..HELLL..." Jackson yelled making lee min hoo and go eun chuckle .

" yibo anyway please tell why you are doing this , we are worried" go eun came closer and touched yibo s hand .

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