Chapter 32

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Rush and rush was going on in wang mansion . Yibo and zhan is already late for their shooting . It's because they over slept for ten minutes extra .

Yibo being sleepy is still in the washroom his brush in his mouth not moving ..

Zhan on the other hand was packing what all fan xing has ordered . He has been ready within five minutes itself . He has woken up yibo the moment he woke up but still no sign of wang yibo .

" this guy , ughh where the hell is he" zhan mumbled irritated and ran towards upstairs to yibo s room to find no one . He went towards the bathroom and saw yibo sleeping in standing position .

" oh my god , for thirty minutes he has been sleeping here or what" zhan slapped himself and walked towards yibo . He spanked yibo s shoulder making yibo wake up from dreamland .

" BRUSH" zhan shouted near yibo s ear. Yibo immediately understood that's their late and brushed his teeth making it even bleed .

After a struggle of atleast one hour both had left wang mansion and is on the way to the location which fan xing has sent them .

" driver please can you go a bit fast" zhan asked seeing the time .. they have to reach there within three minutes .

" young master , this car is not a cheetah..." the driver replied going as much speed as he can ..

" they have built many cars but why can't they built cheetah.... god please invent cheetah or I will make yibo invent it " yibo hearing his name say immediately looked at zhan .

" if I invent cheetah then I will become god so no" yibo replied arms crossing around his chest .. zhan sighed hardly shaking his head .

" who said you to become a god ma ... I said you to invent a car with speed of cheetah" zhan said ...

" then if I invent the car with my these small hands , it will be small like an ant " yibo said showing his hands thinking they are small . Zhan chuckled seeing yibo s cutenesss . He ruffled yibo s hair making yibo glare at zhan ...

"You are the one who said not to let anyone ruffle nor me then why are you doing it , see my precious shark hairstyle is damaged now" yibo pouted and fixed his hairstyle again but it got worst .

Lastly they have reached their destination . Fan xing was already ready to beat the hell out of them .

" WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU TWO DOING" fan xing shouted not minding if their even elder than him .

" we were sleeping nicely" yibo answered ..

" wait did he ..." zhan cuts him by shaking his head ...

" no he did not , just we slept on the bed tired" zhan said and walked near the others .

" yibo ... hear take this paint and change your outfit ... apply this paint some on your shirt and come back , we have to start a handsome shooting first" yubin ordered . Yibo nodded and went towards the changing room.

After ten minutes yibo came out ..

" ok I am ready" everyone looked at the direction and started falling one by one on the ground laughing ... fan xing s camera fell off with him laughing too much ..

" yibo what did you do..." zhan asked breathing hardly ... tears of laughter is flowing from his eyes .

" aren't I handsome ..." yibo said touching himself making him more handsome ..

" yibo said touching himself making him more handsome

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