Chapter 26

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" I am sorry but he..." the doctor hesitated to say ...

" he.... what is wrong with him" zhan asked tears falling nonstop ..

" his brain function is changed to a five year old" the doctor replied sighing ...

" WHATTTTTTTT!!!???" The whole room echoed with the family surprised voices .

" what the fuck are you saying" lee min hoo yells at the doctor who stepped back seeing the anger in lee min hoo s eyes .

The family was surprised plus angry at what the doctor is saying them . The brain functioning changing to a five year old methods , geez how is it even possible , is what they they all thought . Zhan felt like he got an heart attack hearing it . This also means that yibo wont remember him right ..

" doctor if you are playing pranks then please don't my heart will crack now" zhan pleaded the doctor when ...

" he is saying the truth ..." a young looking lady just stepped out of yibo s ward said them ..

" you are ..." zhan was cut soon ..

" oh sorry I am dr.Meng Ziyi , the second ranked memory artist in this hospital" Ziyi replied bowing her head introducing herself .

" dr.ziyi please ... is he really ok" go eun asked grabbing Ziyi s hands ..

" he is please don't worry just he will act like a five year old and he won't remember people who he met after his 5 years old time .." Ziyi patted go eun hands nodding her head to make go eun calm down from emotions ..

" that means he won't remember ... me" zhan said in a low hurt voice . Yanli who saw this immediately approached zhan and gave him a hug patting his back .

" don't worry , we will be with him forever even if he doesn't remember us" yanli said and zhan nodded even thought his tears won't stop .

" well you can ofcourse bring his Brain to normal ...." not soon Ziyi was cut off by zhans shouting ..

" WHAT HOW .... SAY FAST" zhan shouts with wide eyes opening his two ears completely .

" I am saying , I am not a tongue twister to say fast" Ziyi replied in a annoying tone .

" then take your time" zhan said sitting in one of the seats ..

" if you can make him remember what he loves the most , the moments of happiness he shared or his lover if he ha..." again she was cut off ..

" OFCOURSE HE HAS A LOVER" zhan yelled .

" no wonder , seems like he is the boyfriend isn't it" everyone nodded agreeing and Ziyi sighed understanding why zhan was this angry ..

" then Xiao zhan right , yes zhan you should try your best in winning his heart again" zhan looked at her confused ..

" wait are you saying I should break his skateboard again , no he will kill me" zhan said crossing his arms around his chest not agreeing . He still remembers how angry yibo was when his skateboard broke and it was also when he's 19 then if he breaks his skateboard when his Brain is 5 year old how will it be ...

" what the hell , your brain is not working properly" nam hyun came and slapped zhans head ..

" hmmm well this is all I can say , if you guys face more trouble then you can call me" Ziyi said and bid goodbyes to both the family .

" ok you can take wang yibo back home after one hour , he is totally fine except you know .. we are really sorry if we are unable to help you but please rest assured this lover of his will surely succeed" the doctor said smiling looking at zhan and left with the other nurses ..

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