Chapter 35

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[ editor : 5 more chapters ppl 👀]

Zhan was looking at yibo in disbelief , for a minute his brain stop functioning. Many thoughts started flashing inside his mind one by one .

" is he acting like he recovered?" Zhan thought as he looked at yibo not leaving a single glance at anywhere .

" I am not acting ... I just..." yibo was thinking what should he say but soon felt a cold hand running through his neck to the hair slightly caressing the spot .

" what the are you doing" yibo asked closing his eyes feeling strangeness in his body .

" just don't open your eyes" zhan said and got a nod back as a reply from yibo .

A moment of silence , a moment of time stop was the thing which was going inside the room . Not even a single sound was made even their breathing sound is unavailable. Two bodies sitting on the bed like statues in awkward positions .

Finally some sounds could be heard as the plane started moving through the clouds touching every bit of its untouchable skin making it alive again .

Zhan stared at yibo who has his eyes closed and keeps on licking his lips bcs it turned dry . Not being able to resist more zhan started sliding down slowly leaving yibo s hair . Yibo started feeling goosebumps as the hand on his back kept on teasing with tickle touches .

" leave.." yibo whispered , this is already too much . Zhan acting as if he didn't hear anything kept on doing what he wants to do .

" let's start" zhan pushed yibo harshly and pinned his hands on top of his head . Hovering on top , zhan stared at those eyes which make him fall more and more . Without thinking much he slowly leaned closer and grabbed the others lips attracting each other like a magnet .

" mmhhmmm"

Zhan broke the kiss and smiled widely after hearing yibo moan . The other was blushing too hard that he can't believe what kind of noise he just made .moving away , yibo tried to escape since he knew what was coming up but to his display zhan grabbed him by the leg and pulled him towards himself .

" you can't escape from me dear" by saying this zhan smashed himself towards yibo s neck and started biting ...

"Ahhhh... stop it..." yibo started moaning as zhan kept on sucking the soft plane skin . Zhan as if he did not hear anything broke the kiss and smirked wildly as he saw the red mark he made on his partner .

Categorizing his eye everywhere on yibo he started moving towards two organisms . He brought his fingers towards those buds teasingly making yibo close his eyes and feel the touch . Again coming back up he continued teasing until he saw yibo has also pre cummed just by a slight touch .

The moment his fingers ran around his nipples he could feel yibo shiver in his arms , hear his breadth hitch so slightly . His nipples were so gorgeous that zhan couldn't take his eyes of them and he loved when it gets hard the moment he touch them .

He ran his hands from his thin waist to the mounds of flesh that were his breasts, and squeezed them while he leaned closer to kiss yibo s jaw, then his neck. Yibo ran his hands over his back as he licked and grazed the skin of zhans neck with his teeth, leaving little marks that wouldn't stay there long, but the sight of them on his pale, sensitive skin still turned him on.

Zhan attacked yibo s collarbone which always made him feel uncomfortable , he just wants to eat them whenever he sees it and now it's his chance . Yibo did the same with his collarbone, brushing at his skin with his lips to tease him , before kissing and sucking gently.

Not been able to bare the pleasure yibo moans harder and wrapped his legs around zhans hips tightly . Zhan stopped breathing when he felt both his and yibo s hard cock brushing together . Knowing the situation they are in yibo blushed and hid his face onto zhans chest shyly .

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