Final notice

874 21 3

Editor :

I don't know what to feel right now , re publishing someone's story in their own account is calming coz now I can rest assure that I am not the only person behind this account .

The one who grew this account is Ella ( half of u all know the old author ofc) so let's thank her for her hard work . And half the stories which were here was hers which unfortunately she deleted . I got her permission to re publish her ' not again' and one more but sadly there are some error for her other story . I'll see what I can do about it .

Also to be honest when I was republishing this story , a lot of u were quite impatient . Not gonna lie it annoyed me but anyway now I completed publishing eveything I hope u all r satisfied . I have never published anything especially 40
Chapters in a week . Like ye too much but anyways thank u .

I hope you all will vote comment and express ur thoughts on this story .

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