Chapter 7

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The rest of hours was filled with silence of boring . It's like Xiao zhan has put silence charm on wang yibo . Yibo was not allowed to talk , not allowed to move or even watch or play anything in his phone . He was like punished in the bed for hurting his head .

"Can I get my phone now" yibo asked coldly

"I said after few days not hours" zhan was sitting in the couch and was playing with popcorn who came to sleep but bcs of zhan the poor cats rest hours are been wasted .

"Meowwwwww" popcorn whined indicating its sleepy and tired but this zhan is never letting go

"Can u at least leave popcorn , been with her for hours" yibo rolled his eyes and felt annoyed as he saw zhan smiling and playing cheerfully with popcorn who doesn't care a bit .

" why ?????.... are u je...." before zhan could continue popcorn had enough of playing so she scratches zhans hands

"Ahhhhh , popcorn bad , not good" zhan was wincing in pain and blood started coming .

"Meowww......meowwww.....meowwwww ( you did not listen to me , u should have listened)"
popcorn made noise and stormed her little feet to her bed . She jumped on it and 'goodnight'.

"Come here" zhan immediately looks at yibo who was signalling zhan to come and sit in the bed

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"Come here" zhan immediately looks at yibo who was signalling zhan to come and sit in the bed .

Zhan went over and sat in front of yibo . Yibo reached out to the drawer and took out some medicine s.

" what are you doing" zhan asked looking at yibo who is ripping the bandage packets .

" treating ur wound or it will turn purple or maybe worst , popcorn is dangerous" yibo told and took zhan hand and place it on his laps .

He took some ointment and applied lightly .

"Ahhhh hurts , slowly yibo pleaseee" zhan started tearing up as the medicine power was higher and it was burning .

Yibo saw zhans watery eyes and started blowing on the scratches . Zhan felt like he was struck by a lighting . The power his veins activated made him flinch . Lastly yibo put a bandage on zhan s wound and patted slowly so it won't get off easily .

Yibo looked up and met with zhans eyes . Both were looking at each other's eyes . The watery eyes made yibo turned on and wanted to attack . He was not able to control anymore and yibo grabbed zhan by the waist and smashed their lips together .
(I feel like my heart was smashed )

Zhans eyes widened as he felt a sweet candy touching his lips . Yibo without thinking started moving his lips kissing zhan more . Zhan closes his eyes as he felt the striking pleasure flowing through his body .

Two minutes have passed and still yibo was kissing zhan . Yibo was not able to leave zhans lips , it was soo tasty that he want to bring it everywhere he go . Yibo felt like zhan is not responding to his kisses so he breaks the kiss thinking zhan doesn't like it .

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