Chapter 15

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"Wow .... it's huge right" yanli asked seeing the rides in the fun area .it was a mesmerizing sight to see .

"It's been a long time since I came here" zhan replied sparkles forming in his eyes .

"Childish" both yibo and Jackson said in unison .

"Yanli.....I have zhan , why don't you call yuchen and Jackson hmm I don't know" yibo suggested .

"That's a great ideaaa" zhan jumped clapping his hands like a child . Yibo just shook his head not understanding what's zhans real attitude is .

[ editor : is that dude really top]

"Welll ...... I's ..fine" yanli replied nervously and blushing .

" hmmmm I..." Jackson was soon cut off from a sudden yelling which came from behind .

"YIBOOOO..." they all turned back and yanli s heart started increasing its beating .

"Yuchen.... what are you doing here and who s that" yanli asked when they are coming closer to where they are standing .


"Hmmm just for shopping and this is our friend" yuchen replied and after pointed at the person who is next to him .

" Yubin ...brooo..." Yibo and yubin hugged lightly greeting each other .

Xiao zhan by the other hand was recollecting his memory of where he heard the name yubin , he was sure he had heard it somewhere or maybe seen it . As he expected he remembered the name yubin and spoke ...

"Ohhh you are yubin the person who send message through yibo s phone asking him to hang out and have fun with girls.....right" Xiao zhan asked coldly . Yibo gulped down when he thought yubin would spit everything out .

"Yeah it was me" yubin replied proudly expecting no further question but the reality cheated on him ...

"Well I am zhan remember the person who sends the message back" zhan replied mocking type and Jackson was looking at yibo all the time confused .

"Someone has a long history" yanli thought and giggled .

"Ohhh yeah I remember it ...... well the person who made me go to some dream land the moment I read ur reply" yubin said chuckling .

"What do you mean , mind sharing" yuchen and Jackson asked in unison .

"Sure here...." replied yubin by taking out his phone . Everyone around them came closer except yibo who is gulping down nervously . Zhan did not care about anything and also joined ..

Once everyone went near yubin s phone and saw the display , their eyes went wide .

Once everyone went near yubin s phone and saw the display , their eyes went wide

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"Zhan , when did this happen" yanli asked curiously .

" hmm when yibo got hurt in his head , that time" zhan replied not embarrassed or shy a bit .

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