Chapter 37

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" I am warning you if you don't give my son back..."

" what happened mom" after a night of loneliness and unhappiness zhan woke up not to find yibo and just thought he might have already woken up . Reaching the hall way he found go eun shouting with tears in her eyes.

" zhan go ... go .." pleading again and again make the others who have joined plus zhan started getting confused ..

" YOU BRAT! I S-SAID NOT TO .... TO-TOUCH HIM" shouting her lungs out go eun immediately hung the phone and started hitting zhan on the chest , everywhere ...

" what kind of grandson are you ..... how dare you let this happen" slapping multiple times nam hyun grabbed go eun away from zhan ...

It was as of go eun had gone crazy over something or maybe something have been summoning her to do these things . Not knowing anything zhan looks around to find everyone except yibo .

His eyes getting teary , he shook his head grabbing his hairs pulling them in frustration anger and so more ... he looked at go eun who was giving death glares constantly .

" yibo....yibo-yibo...he" not soon ... go eun fainted , screams started echoing through the hotel and the phone rings again making zhan pick the call up this time ..

" who is this" that was the first thing zhan asked . After two minutes of staying in that call zhan clenched his fist tight and threw the phone Away making everyone fear .

" who was it zhan" asking such a question zhan glared at each one of them and make himself out of that hotel .

Driving fast .... not minding the red lights , zhan moved to the dark side of the town ...
Zhan looked side to side to find no one not even a single car only the shade trees . He smirked and continued his way to an abandoned apartment ..

Getting inside he found everything set according to order . Guards placed at every inch of the apartment , bowing down

" everything is set" haoxuan and jiyang came from behind with guns in their hands ready to take the flesh of many .

Zhan took a seat in the main head office . Sitting there darkly trying to re call those screams he heard in that phone call . Anger started taking control of him and all the others moved back except jiyang and haoxuan who moved forward .

 Anger started taking control of him and all the others moved back except jiyang and haoxuan who moved forward

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" did you get the location " zhan asked sending shivers down their spines . With shaking hands jiyang kept his tablet in front of zhan .

Zhan looked at both of them raising his left eye brow . Taking the tablet he smiled and left out a small laugh .. he zoomed the location and smirked .

" what a location , yibo is in our wedding hall" zhan said and looked at both smiling . He winked at them and ordered the guards to move forward .

For an hour only mumbling and speeches was going on . Zhan was giving orders for each one by one . After all left leaving zhan with the leaders , zhan took out his phone from his pocket and called nam hyun .

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