Chapter 14

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MK Beijing mall..

( I seriously don't know what mall exists there but take it as MK)

Both wang yibo and Jackson has reached the MK mall in Beijing which is the biggest mall in China with a lot of luxurious items .

Each floor has different sets of shops and some are own by the wang company and Xiao company . Seems like the half of the mall belongs to both wang and Xiao families .

The mall is decorated with lights to represent its peace and love . Each sector has different designs and has many exit doors. Well one could even get lost . The mall is possibly nick named as the golden mall since the mall was first released to the world .

Wang yibo and Jackson was in sector 1 ... where a lot of shops are luxurious . Wang yibo had no patience at all , he keeps dragging Jackson from place to place until he reached a shop which satisfied his need as the clothes all were beaming with Beauty .

 Wang yibo had no patience at all , he keeps dragging Jackson from place to place until he reached a shop which satisfied his need as the clothes all were beaming with Beauty

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(Hehe .. i seriously don't know if this mall is situated in China but it's pretty )

" can we enter now" Jackson asked tired from been dragged .

" yup" then both went inside , one of the staff came near and bowed 90 degree towards them .

" greetings mr.Jackson , it's Been quiet a while since you came here" the staff smiled greeting politely . Yibo just nodded and walked away searching for clothes .

" yes yes mrs. Linda it's been a while , please help me look clothes for my brother , see he is already impatient" Jackson requested pointing at yibo who is taking the clothes shaking his head indicating no and keeping it back at the rightful place .

Mrs . Linda chuckles and took Jackson to have a seat while she help yibo pick some clothes . The other staffs working in that shop could not take their eyes of yibo . It's the first time yibo visited that shop since he usually does online shopping or only goes to malls which are like abroad to buy clothes .

" come on mr. yibo , the other side has clothes which you might like" yibo nodded and followed Mrs. Linda .

"Wow it really does" yibo smiled looking at the clothes , he took one shirt with a ripped jeans and came towards Jackson .

" how is it" yibo asked showing the dress he picked . Jackson just nodded since he knows everything will be perfect for yibo .

"Do you have to ask" Jackson thought and signaled yibo to go and wear it when they heard a familiar voices ....

" come on......will you enter now , i am tired nah" yanli s voice echoed . Yibo and Jackson peeped through the clothes and found zhan and yanli at the entrance arguing .

Both yanli and zhan also decide to come to MK mall to buy clothes . Since both entered the mall , zhan has been going inside a shop and coming out empty . Yanli was feeling dizzy since circling here and there but zhan won't stop . Lastly yanli had enough so she stopped zhan from going again .

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