Chapter 18

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" I saw her again mom ... I saw her again ..."yibo said angrily .

" WHATTT ....IMPOSSIBLE...ITS BEEN ...TWO YEARS YIBOO.." go eun yelled which made yibo confused ..

" huh what are you talking about two years , I said that woman who pushed me off the roof when I was 11 .." yibo explained which made go eun more angrier now .

" yes mom the woman who tried to kill me" yibo said sarcastically again . Go eun
understanding walking back and forth annoyed to death . The memory of when yibo was 11 flashed through her mind which made her wanted to murder that woman .

Flashback to when yibo was 11 ......

"Mom are you buying me a motorcycle lego or not" the 11 year old wang yibo shouted protesting .

" yes yes baby .... I will ... just after finishing this work ok" go eun answered and ruffled yibo s hair .

" I am not a BABY ..." yibo shouted which made go eun go crazy and she just took yibo in her arms even though he is heavy and placed him on his room .

" see there are a lot of legos left , if you finish them I will buy for you motorcycle legos and real motorcycles , okay" go eun said smiling gently . Yibo beamed with happiness and nodded repeatedly , he closed the door and started his working .

" I will surely get a real motorcycle hehe..." yibo chuckled working on his legos .

There are complete 10 legos and literally he finished all of them within 1 hour .yibo finishing everything came downstairs running and pulled go eun who was finishing her work to his room .

" FINISHEDDD.." Yibo yelled as he dragged go eun inside . Go eun s eyes widened seeing in front .

" you really finished all of them in one hour" go eun asked not believing , maybe a robot was there or something .

" hey I am wang yibo the famous lee min hoo s son understood so nothing is impossible to me" yibo praised himself coldly , go eun chuckled seeing this attitude

" ok ok as I promised I will buy you a lego motorcycle come on" go eun started walking back and then she realized yibo isn't coming along . She turned back and saw yibo still standing at the same sport anger seen in his face .

" what come on" go eun tried pulling but yibo stubborn he glue sticked himself .

" you said you will buy me lego motorcycle and REAL MOTORCYCLE" yibo started protesting at the spot . Go eun s jaw dropped and she wanted to slam herself in to anything .

" baby you are young , motorcycles are not your age na" go eun tried advising the stubborn yibo but who is yibo to give up . Yibo started his super duper plan .

" I WANT .....IT NOW... UWUWUWUWU.......I WANT *cries louder* MOTORCYCLE" yibo shouts his lungs out fake crying and rolling in the floor stomping his feet till it hurts . His legs and toes started become red which made go eun scared .

" ok ok ok ....I will..I will" go eun agreed and yibos smirked . " NOW .." go eun s sigh hardly and nodded .

Both yibo and go eun took off to some mall where they went to buy some motorcycles legos and then they will proceed to real ones . Yibo after reaching kept on looking at every single legos but non attracted him .

" kid here this side has things you might be looking" the owner suggested yibo who glared at her .

" I am not a KID remember" the owner chuckles and nodded agreeing . As the owner said yibo found all the legos there attractive .

" buy them all , next lego set will arrive only after one year ok" go eun said and yibo smirk again and started ordering ....

" ok this.this.this....this and This and..." suddenly go eun interrupted ..

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