Chapter 31

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Zhan stares at yibo for a long time . He keeps on re-calling what yibo just asked . He can feel his dick getting harder and harder .

Seeing yibo s curious puppy eyes , zhan couldn't hold it anymore , he grabbed yibo s wrist and dragged him to the bedroom .

" it's tastier than any other flavor , believe me" zhan said making yibo sit on the bed . He took a small cloth out and tied yibo s hands .

" it's special so I will blind fold you" zhan said again . He was impatient already .

Now since yibo is already blindfolded and his hands been tied up zhan stepped a bit back . He looked at yibo and smirked . He started removing his pants with the other garment which hid his super hero .

"Fast I am curious" yibo whined and pouted .. zhan saw his own dick hard and standing up like an elephant trunk . He moved closer to yibo s face gulping down .

Xiao zhan was now standing infront of yibo with his dick but further from the sexy mouth of yibo . He knew he was doing something wrong and even to a so called five year old hehe .

" open your mouth" zhan ordered which yibo listened nodding and kept his mouth wide . His took his dick on his hand and moved towards yibo s mouth directly .

" you won't regret right" zhan asked ..

" why would I ..." yibo replied and was about to say more when he felt something enter his mouth . Something warm plus cold ...
something salty not the type of popsicle which will have sugar . It's like a vinegar popsicle.

Yibo started sucking it exactly thinking it a popsicle . He sucked it again and again nonstop but to his surprise the popsicle won't melt nor become small . He noticed that the popsicle keeps on becoming bigger and bigger .

Zhan on the other hand was planning an escape . For sure he can't resist this . The only thing which is saying on his mind was to have revenge someday after yibo s recovery .

" ah..." zhan moaned feeling yibo swirl his tongue around zhans dick . Yibo wasn't gonna stop sucking , he loved the weird flavor ..

" maid , can I get this popsicle everyday" yibo asked leaving zhans dick . Zhan looked at the blindfolded yibo and sighed knowing he had done a big mistake .

" not always yibo ... it won't survive" zhan said and was about to go away .

" hey I didn't finish my dick popsicle, give it back" yibo pouted saying if .

" ok" zhan moved back again and place his dick on yibo s mouth who started sucking it hungrily .

" God , this yibo will surely kill me , oh no I am gonna cum , what cans I do now" zhan thought and got worried , he was pulling his dick out but yibo stopped it by biting it .

" AHHH.." zhan screamed with pain . Yibo didn't care about it and just trying to finish his new popsicle .

Suddenly while yibo was sucking , he felt something else leaking in his mouth . He could taste something warm , s warm liquid ... zhan knew what was it and widened his eyes when yibo swallowed it .

" what was that , so tasty" yibo asked confused . He seriously want to get the blindfold out but if he loses this popsicle he won't be able to sleep .

" yibo .. that's called .. hmm...cum" zhan answered with fear crawling inside him . How will he explain everything in this kind of situation .

" ok I am full , buy this and keep it in the freezer for tomorrow" yibo said and was about to take his blind fold was his hands was unable to move . He waisted for zhan to remove it .

Zhan knowing yibo wants to be released soon ran towards his clothes picking them up and came closer to yibo . He untied yibo s hand and dashed towards the bathroom closing the door hardly .

" I am dead meat for sure , what if he ask he wants this in university" zhan mumbled slapping his forehead multiple times .

Zhan took almost one hour bath and came out to see yibo sitting on the bed l he sighed and selected some clothes , wore them and sat beside yibo . Yibo looked at zhan with ready eyes making zhans heart hurt .

" why you are crying" zhan asked touching yibo s cheeks .

" maid .... I guess I have an heart disease" yibo said crying .. zhan got a heart attack hearing such thing . Zhan immediately touch yibo s chest to see if it's beating properly or not but to his surprise yibo s heart is pumping so fast like it want to come out of the skin already .

" my heart is beating like this as if it's crazy.." yibo said pouting and tears falling down from his cheeks .

" yibo .. when all was the time it beats like this" zhan asked smiling knowing what the situation was .

" whenever your near me and when I was eating that special popsicle and when we did that bubble kiss" yibo answered everything . It's true that his heart beats whenever his maid come closer to him and do silly things with him .

Zhan smiled tears forming in his eyes . Even though yibo lost his memory , the love will always be the same . Zhan wanted to grab yibo and kiss him but he knows he will surely regret it later .

" yibo ... take rest ... after two hours we have to leave for shooting remember" zhan sparked and pouting tot he pillow indicating to go to sleep . Yibo nodded and slid inside his blanket .

Yes they got a message for, their director fan xing saying that their shooting will start soon so they should be ready . Even though yibo doesn't remember , he is still willing to participate and act as an actor .

Zhan was ready to move away from yibo s bed to go check on the lonely popcorn . But before he even got up from the bed ..

" meowww...." he heard popcorns sound and he turned back to see popcorn on its comfy bed already going to dream land .

" goodnight catty cat" zhan said ruffling popcorns small small hair and went towards the bed slamming himself beside yibo . He pulled yibo by the waist hugging him and both slept with no tomorrows .

totally innocent ehehe...
I am sorry if i made anyone disgusted . Vote comment and let me know how it was . Thank you bye...

[ editor : I don't know how I survived pasting this chapter here]

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