Chapter 9

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"Twinkle twinkle Little star

How I wonder what you are ...."

" yibooo promise me You won't forget this song and stay with me togetherrr"

" I won't forget that song which you sang for me first" yibo ruffled her hair messing it .

" no don't I just did a new hairstyle" yibo giggled And messed it up more

" no yibooo nooo" both chased running and stopped

" see those stars are sparkling soo much aren't they"

" hmmm"yibo hummed

" when will you change , hmphhh" yibo chuckles and both sat in the swing attached to the tree still watching the night stars .

" yibo what if u get tired of being with me , what will you do"

" I will never , ( yibo s mind : I guess )"

" hehe what if we don't see each other again like what if I leave , what will u do "

" i will stop you, who dares to leave a handsome man like me , who can resist my charm" yibo again played teasing

"You and your charm"
"Noooooooo don't goooo ," yibos cries

" I am sorry yibo but I don't Love you anymore"

" nooo nooo please don't leave meee" yibo cries as darkness evolves around him and then ...


" huh ah..." yibo gets up panting hardly in the dark room . Tears filling up his eyes making his eyes swollen . He gulps down time to time putting his hands back of his head trying to calm down himself . Suddenly ...

" he already has one" yibo mumbled and lastly calmed down thinking about the message zhan sent to yubin .

Yibo goes inside the bathroom and wash his face . But his swollen eyes are visible as too much scariness have been taken place . He went near his window and looked outside .

" why did you leave me like that.....I hate you" yibo started shedding tears again and he wiped it off in anger again .the anger of making someone love and just leave .

" well thanks for leaving , I got another one" yibo smiled and unknown touched his lips and remembered the kiss he and zhan shared , he smiled dumbly .

He came back to his original poker face when he heard knocks .

"Hmmm come in" yibos said without looking but when he looked up....he immediately take back what he said ...

" no no don't come in go out go go shooo" zhan chuckled seeing yibo making him get lost . He smirked and closed the door coming to sit in front of yibo .

" did you cry" zhan asked when he took a seat in yibo s bed and saw yibo s swollen eyes .

" no who will cry" yibo replied rolling his eyes and started playing games in his phone .

" liar" zhan mumbled and saw yibo still playing in his phone .

" yibo ur head is still needed resting , don't keep ur self hard" yibo just ignores and plays .

Zhan sigh and takes his phone out as well and scroll through it to watch anything he wants .
Already half an hour passed and yibo is killing those criminals in the game .

Zhan peeks again and again checking if yibo is alright . Sometimes zhan flinches when yibo curses as the criminals in the game kills him . Lastly zhan keeps his phone aside and looked at yibo who is playing seriously and lastly had a wide smile .

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