Chapter 21

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" NEVER... I will not try any other dress anymore" yibo replied angrily to the question go eun asked ..

" YIBO ..." zhan called out stomping his feet , yibo looked at zhan and saw zhan signaling him to change the dress and wear another .

" what not again please ... I don't wanna wear girl dresses anymore" yibo said .

" no I won't forgive you then ..."zhan turned his face away angrily crossing his arms on his chest .

" ok ... in one condition" yibo said sighing angrily .. " ok anything my boy" go eun said excited ..


" zhan is also gonna wear a wedding dress then...."yibo suggested smirking .

" WHATT!!!.." zhan shouted surprised " did I get myself into trouble" zhan thought ..

" yes and that's finall" yibo said mocking the last word . Nam hyun started laughing at the side , ji Chang wook tried calming his wife down or else the shop will collapse hearing her laughter

" COME ON CHANGE" yibo said trying to drag zhan ..zhan smirked and spoke ..

" oh you want me to join you in the changing room ha..." zhan asked smirking and raising his eyebrow at yibo .. "This guy is impossible" yibo thought ..

" shut up" yibo replied stubbornly .. everyone was laughing hearing their bickering .. both agreed after hearing some pleading and went inside different changing rooms to make their self look fantastic ..

" I can't wait to see my son hehe" nam hyun exclaimed happily ..

" me too , my girlishboy yibo" go eun also exclaimed , both wife's excited to see their sons when ...

" what a weird family , looks like shit ... sons wearing wedding gowns pifff what a dumb thing" both go eun and nam hyun turned like a beast towards the voice and saw a new customer with her friends who just arrived to the shop sitting on another couch and the customer was acting like she is a queen sitting with her legs crossed ..

 sons wearing wedding gowns pifff what a dumb thing" both go eun and nam hyun turned like a beast towards the voice and saw a new customer with her friends who just arrived to the shop sitting on another couch and the customer was acting like she ...

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" watch your mouth young lady" go eun warned her ..

" I won't.....what will you do huh , do you know who I am ... I am YANG ZI ..the beauty queen of the country" yang zi ( ) replied ..

" well well see who we have here , you said you are the beauty queen sorry but I see you as a monkey an ugly monkey who just came out from a mud bath"Jackson spoke rolling his eyes .

" I totally agree with you" yanli said stepping Front ..

" shut up donkeys" yang zi replied pointing her middle finger .

(I won't become Bad girl right if I write bad words like this )

" I am sorry but shutting my mouth or not is our wish not yours" yuchen replied coldly .

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