Chapter 39

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It was now morning and zhan has left to do something , yibo was in the bedroom and thinking what the hell is going on .

They reached China after the wedding ceremony itself because yibo wanted to go to china rather than staying in Italy .

" why we didn't do it yesterday night , that was our wedding night why didn't he do it" yibo was keep on mumbling and thinking many things ... he was in a verge to cry ..

" is my body ugly again , oh no ..." yibo ran out of the room thinking so and about to go down when he slipped and was about to fall from the stairs when a pair of arms caught him .

" are you mental or crazy" yibo opened his eyes and found himself covered tightly with those strong arms , he looked up and found zhan looking at him angrily . Lowering his head he mumbled sorry but pushed zhan off and pouted .

Zhan knew he was angry bcs of last night issue but he knew he can't do it when yibo was in that kind of situation . What yibo didn't know was that zhan already know yibo was pregnant and that's the reason zhan didn't think of doing it yesterday but how will yibo understand .

" I hate you , what kind of husband doesn't make the wife happy after he was horny yesterday ..." yibo was keep on mumbling and walking towards the room thinking no one is following him ...

Zhan was behind him following him from the moment he knew if he leave yibo then it will be danger , hearing whatever yibo was saying he was clutching his hands tightly since he won't be able to control it .

" it's better if I ask someone else to satisfy me" yibo mumbled and was about to get inside the room when he was caught in bridal style making him understand he wasn't alone , he regretted what he said just now ...

Hearing that zhan lose the control and took yibo in bridal style and get inside and closed the door with a strong thud .. he walked towards the bed and placed yibo in the bed and however on top of him ...

" what did you just say" zhan asked angrily looking straight at the others eyes ...yibo gulped down and tried pushing zhan off him but he couldn't ...

"" yibo pleaded as zhan started biting his neck harshly ... tears started filling up in yibo s eyes as the pain was too much ... he wanted zhan to stop but it seemed like someone won't be able to forget what happened few seconds ago ...

Zhan stopped biting and started sucking the place where he bit , he licked and sucked again and again making the pain lessen up , yibo was clutching zhans hands tightly and that's how zhan knew he hurt him ...

Zhan moved away from the neck and came towards the lips , he kissed yibo on the lips slowly not wanting to hurt him more ... he sucked those lips passionately and pecked it once more before he retreated ...

" we can't have sex yesterday bcs the little human inside you will get hurt wifey" zhan said and yibo nodded making a ohh face but widened his eyes shocked to death . He pushed zhan off him and sat down there on the bed ..

" WHAT!? How did you know..." yibo asked shocked to death ... zhan chuckled seeing yibo like this ... he came forward and sat in front of yibo and hold yibo s hands caressing it ..

" I knew it yesterday itself ... mom gave me a call when I was with you in the room but you were unconscious so you didn't know I knew" yibo rolled his eyes and wanted to curse go eun for telling him lie that zhan don't know ...

" thank you wifey for everything and now even we can grow a family , I don't know what I'll become without you" zhan hugged yibo lightly since he doesn't want to hurt him ...

Yibo smiled since this was what he also wanted and hugged him back ...

Months after...

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