Chapter 16

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"SHUTTT UPPPP" yanli yuchen and Xiao zhan yelled .....

" why everyone is shouting , I can hear it from the changing room" Jackson came out with yibo immediately after they heard yells .

" no reason" yubin replied even though he did not yell .

" if there is no reason then why will you yell , that means you have no brain" yibo spoke annoyed . Yanli and yuchen giggled at the other side silently .

" WHAT THE FUCK...why everyone is saying I have no brain , I should really go inside my moms tummy tonight itself and get my Brain back" yubin said annoyingly stomping his feet on the floor .

" WHATTT?????" Both yibo and Jackson asked in unison confused .

" bo-di ....I am hungry" zhan who was bored all the time came near yibo and back hugged him . Yibo flinched a bit but he restrained himself quickly .

" you just ate whole ice cream , how can u be hungry"yibo replied chuckling at zhan whose face is now filled with anger .

" GO AWAY .... I don't want you , I will find another who will listen to me and let me eat whenever or whatever I want" zhan said as he turned back to started walk off .

Yibo s eyes widened hearing such a threat from zhan that he ran to him and pulled zhan by the wrist . Xiao zhan with the sudden pull hit wang yibo s chest and both are now in each other's embrace ..

" don't you dare say that" wang yibo said coldly .

" what , what I shouldn't say hmmm" zhan smirked while saying trying to devour his bo-di.

" zhan .... you will regret" yibo warned him again .

" oh really what will happen , I have already kissed you and all so no problem if I make out with more ... Hmm I heard girls are fun to have so my next target will be them hehe" yibo s anger raised to a peek hearing his own boyfriends words .

" zhan you died , why did you say that , what belongs to wang yibo will always belong to him , no one can escape not even yourself idiot"Jackson worriedly thought in his mind.

" what is gonna happen next , he is scary now" yanli asked whispering to yuchen who was worried for zhan as well .

" your brother won't be able to survive someone unless he try to escape" yuchen replied .

" what.." yanli was soo confused and worried at the same time . The way yibo was glaring at zhan was beyond expectation .

Wang yibo could not take the words which he heard from zhan to his heart . The moment zhan let out the words yibo s heart clenched in pain , memories filled with hatred , revenge and soo more flashed through his brain . Zhan did not intend to take it too far but little did he know yibo had a long painful life .

"Yibo...I..." zhan was out of words seeing yibo s murdering eyes . He gulps down in fear and hope someone could pull him away .

" IS THIS..HOW ..YOU ..LOVE..ME.." yibo yelled with anger . Yibo felt betrayed deep in his heart .

" was just a joke" zhan tried his best to make yibo understand , even though it's just a joke , for yibo it's like dying .

" oh really ..... THEN WHATS THAT ????" yibo shouted pointing at a guy who is holding a picture .

" what who where..." zhan confused like hell turned his head towards the pointed place and his eyes widened shocked ,

"it's made up , it's not true yarrr" zhan s eyes tear up seeing some one trying to make a trap ..

The other four too look at the pointed direction and they were out of words .

" why .... whyy zhan..." Jackson asked . Yanli who heard this looked at Jackson whose eyes are red .

"This idiot also believed , when are u gonna understand" yanli thought shaking his head .

" it's not real nah" yubin interrupted and yuchen nodded agreeing but yibo did not listen and just went with his anger .

" YOU....I don't wanna see you anymore get losttt" yibo dashed out pushing zhan away with full strength . Zhan with the sudden push fell down and hit his head . Yanli who saw this ran to him .

" if you don't wanna see me then me too , I hate you get lost , I hope we never meet each other again" zhan shouted too can't believe yibo believed such an edited picture .

The person was covered with black cloth and the picture was of zhan who was with a girl , both kissing intensely . Both half naked in the picture and zhan hand placed near the unknown girls chest . The picture was having the perfect editing skills which seems real .

" zhan.... are you alright does it hurt" yanli asked worried to death , zhan nodded and got up .

" that dumbass , how can he believe such a lie" yubin came over fuming in anger .

" I thought he was angry cuz of zhans joke , who knew he was angry cuz of that picture , maybe he thought the joke was real when the picture was also seen" yuchen said making the others nod their head .

Jackson knew if he doesn't go after yibo it will be a disaster so he bow down at them and ran away trying to catch with his little stubborn brother .

" anyway I hate him ... if he believed me then none of this would happen , and that guy YOU ..FUCKING ..ASSHOLE.." zhan got up and got the black man who was about to run .

Zhan pulled the black man by the wrist and kicked him to the ground getting on top of him punching his face until he make the man bleed up completely from the nose , mouth and the bruises .

" zhan .... please... please stop ..he will die" yanli pleaded zhan to stop but he was out of control . Yubin and yuchen pulled zhan away and catches him .

Zhan was struggling to leave and beat the man again but he failed since the grip of yubin and yuchen is strong like a chain .

" let me goooooo..... I will kill him today...." zhan shouted in anger and just then the security guards came in and grabbed the bloody man and walked out ... the guards was sent by Jackson who knew something and will take place and it did .

" calm down Xiao zhan , he is gone" yuchen said . Zhan calmed down and both yuchen and yubin let go . Zhan bend down and took the photo which made a big misunderstanding between him and yibo , he clutched his other empty wrist in anger .

" whoever done this , when I find you I will cut your organs out" zhan said coldly which sent shivers down the others spine .

" ha...zhan...*gulps* ... but how you will find the girl...she is covered and blurred down" yubin spoke in fear .

" not now , first let's settle the matter with you and yibo ok" yanli said but her words was soon off when zhan replied

" no never , not again , I will not get back with him , a boyfriend who won't trust me huh , how dare he believe such a thing" zhan relied angrily and stormed away making the other three worry in disbelief .

" they were together aren't they , but now broke up didint they" yubin asked .

" now you are knowing and believing , where were you at first huh" yuchen asked angrily .

" you know i don't have brain so it will take time ha" yubin repied rolling his eyes .

" of course you don't so go and fetch it" yuchen started fighting with yubin now .

" ok I will , let me get inside my mom s tummy...." both of them started talking about the disgusting shit and forgot what happened with zhan and yibo . Yanli seeing this frowned .,

"not again"

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