Chapter 29

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The most disturbing yet peaceful thing woke Xiao zhan up .. wiggling through the blanket feeling irritated his hands found its way to his left but with sudden feel of emptiness and he shut open his eyes ..

" yibo? .." he called out seeing the empty space beside him ..

Xiao zhan got up and without even brushing his teeth ran downstairs screaming yibo s name . Something inside him is making him nervous .. since the characters function change of brain in yibo , zhan has been feeling insecure ..

" oh no .. did I get kidnapped that you had to scream my name" zhan turned around to the voice and saw yibo standing in front of him with an poker face .

" haha.. ok well I didn't find you in the bed but why dressed up" zhan asked confused looking yibo from top to bottom observing the beauty ..

" where will I go .. I am always ugly ... so I look good in everything .." yibo replied and walked towards the kitchen ..

" ugly???.." zhan mumbled and then giggled finding out what's the reason yibo said ugly .

"I hope he doesn't go saying he is very ugly around the world" zhan thought and left ..

" YIBOO ... where are our parents and the others .." zhan asked following yibo ..

" oh I send them all away including the servants on a vacation since I want some free time ..." yibo replied ..

" you send them away *slaps forehead* so I should suffer here taking care of you" zhan mumbled sighing . How in the world will he take care of a Five year old yibo ..

Xiao zhan went inside the kitchen to find yibo looking around the big kitchen . He chuckled and went towards yibo ..

" what are you looking for" zhan asked startling yibo ..

" i am hungry but how to cook .." yibo pouted hugging his stomach

" I'll make something for us" zhan said and started moving from one place to another getting the supplies .

" fast" yibo said tapping his foot on the floor multiple times

" I am not your Ferrari to finish fast" zhan replied rolling his eyes .

" Ferrari , hm isn't it the super car .. maid it's more faster then you ma and it will reach the finish line within one minute , how can you beat it " yibo asked sarcastically and started playing with a orange ..

Xiao zhan just sighed not wanting have an argument early in the morning . He just cutting the particles required while yibo stood like a statue beating the orange with his eyes .

 He just cutting the particles required while yibo stood like a statue beating the orange with his eyes

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Suddenly they heard a big sound coming from the door . Both looked at each other and lastly yibo decided to check it out .. he went towards it and opened revealing two young girls ..

" who is it yibo" zhan asked yelling form the kitchen

" oh it's the ugly girl from the university and some other girl I don't know..." yibo replied letting way for the girls to enter .

" what.." zhan threw the knife to the table and dashed towards yibo and saw yang zi and zixuan sitting in the couch .

" hello handsome" yang zi called out sexily . Yibo looked at yang zi then towards zhan feeling something wrong . He isn't happy .. he feels hurt but he doesn't know why ..

" what the hell are you two doing here" zhan yelled at yang zi and zixuan who laughing evilly .

" never mind , you kind of trash will surely make this Mansion turn into trash.

" oh come on honey , why say like that... let's use the guest room and make love ..let's have a baby and raise" yang zi said coming closer to zhan and taking his hand bringing it near her mm Breast.

" HE'S MINE BLOBFISH" suddenly a loud roar was heard . All looked at the direction to see yibo standing there with a vacuum .

" yibo you remembered..." Xiao zhan said pushing yang zi away staring at yibo smiling .

" remember what .. blobfish oh I heard it for Jackson" yibo replied and came closer with the vacuum near yang zi ..

He stood in front of yang zi and placed the vacuum hole on her hair and started the machine .

" AHHH ... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" yang zi yelled as her hair are been pulled out by a vacuum ... zixuan made her way out of the house as soon as she saw what yibo did to yang zi .

" don't dare touch my MAID" yibo yelled and pushed yang zi off . She fell on the ground wincing in pain and can't believe she was pushed by a boy . In her life not even a single men done that to her .

" just wait and see rascal" yang zi said with tears and ran out of the mansion .

" good job yibo" zhan praised patting yibo back but to his surprise yibo turned back glaring at him .

Yibo walked away angry at zhan who was clueless . What did he do to make the younger this angry . He followed yibo and ...

" what's this". Yibo asked pointing at the burnt bread ..
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Next will be updated soon just wait

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