Chapter 17

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In Wang mansion..

" what just happened" asked go eun as she saw yibo dashing from the entrance door to upstairs full of anger and pain seen in his eyes . And back of him chasing Jackson .

" how will I know" lee min hoo replied and looked at Jackson who is now drinking water full tired .

" hey did you two fight again but why he is this angry" go eun asked annoyed thinking if Jackson caused the fight .

" mom ... I did not do anything this time ...but" Jackson lowered his head and continued ..

" it's zhan and yibo misun.......derstanding , they just fought" Jackson s voice cracked a bit . Lee min hoo and go eun made wide eyes and both shout in unison ..


"This is what happened ........" Jackson then Explained the whole thing narrated it like a story . From first to last , every single thing was explained in detail ..

" do you have that photo" lee min hoo was in a verge of killing someone now . Jackson took his phone out and show them the picture .

Jackson took the photo of that picture with the help of the security guard , he did not show yibo or the moment yibo sees zhan with someone his anger will surely make the phone fly from ground to the top of Mount Everest ..

" it's edited , well edited" go eun said coldly after observing the picture quietly .

" hmmm how you guys are soo sure , yanli and others said too , it was edited and now you too" Jackson asked in disbelief ...

" you idiot , seee here" lee min hoo pointed at the pictures down part where it's clearly written 'edited from PicsArt , 2 pics ..1 wall..' .

" how come I didn't see this" Jackson asked fully shocked .

" because you don't have eyes like mine" lee min hoo replied sighing . Go eun turned her head towards lee min hoo and glared at him .

" I also have eyes okay and I also saw it so don't praise yourself or for a week you won't have me" go eun warned lee min hoo and he agreed . How can he live without his wife .

" what are we gonna do now both are angry at each other , even said I hate you" Jackson said helplessly . Go eun smirked which made the other two males confused .

" they only said I hate you , they didn't say I broke up with you nah" go eun said making other two roll their eyes . "Is she even for real" lee min hoo thought shaking his head .

" what's the difference in hate and break , both same ma" Jackson rolled his eyes and *thud* ... an slap landed on his head .

" use brain" go eun suggested and got a fuming glare which could scare anyone but not her .

The family settled down and became quiet all of a sudden . They don't know what to do now , how to find the real culprit and prove zhan s innocence especially to yibo . They were about to get up and leave to rest when ...

" MEOWWWWW......" popcorn came running from upstairs like a cheetah . She ran and jump on go eun lap and tried hiding . This was the first time popcorn ever aced in this way and this surprised the family .

"Ahhhhhhh....*thud*....ughhhhhh.....*thud*..." sounds of throwing and yelling echoed from the upstairs .

" what is happening mom ..." Jackson asked worried to death since this is all new to them . Yibo since child has never done or gone for breaking stuffs but now it's a whole different him .

" he loved Xiao zhan soo much that his anger flew up and bursted like a volcano misunderstanding zhan chested on him , what a rascal " lee min hoo slapped  his own forehead can't believe yibo is that dumb .

" I am going upstairs" go eun said and other two nodded .

" we will go and research about this so called picture with the help of ji Chang wook and maybe with their support it will be easy to trace who the culprit is" and both lee min hoo and Jackson left and go eun went upstairs .

" meowww..(he is scary)" go eun understood what popcorn meant and signaled her to go away politely which popcorn listened . Now go eun is outside yibo s door hearing the biggest hit drama coming from yibo s room .

Inside the room , the moment yibo entered he kicked off the chairs and they broke . He took the glasses or any stuffs he saw and threw it to the wall cracking every single of them . He grabbed the bedsheet and dragged it off the bed , the bedsheet where he and zhan sat and kissed for the first time . He took out his helmet and broke the mirror glass . The whole room became a mess , everything scattered around , not even the wall was left alone . To clear this mess it will almost take a month especially with these small pieces of glasses and the broken bed ...

" YIBOO.. come on open the door" go eun shouted from the other side , when she got no answer she turned the door knob and she was welcome with the beautiful sight .

" yibo ..yibo...are you alright and what's this ...why" go eun who saw blood coming from yibo s knuckles started worrying to death , she ran to get the first aid box and came back in a flash of light . She was about to take him to
the bed but she saw even the bed broken so she dragged yibo to other guest room and healed his wounds .

" are you crazy to do this huh ...." go eun asked angrily .

" not your business so don't butt in to others life problems" yibo replied coldly and got up to leave ..

" I know what happened between you and zhan but don't you think you went too far" go eun tried to make yibo sit again and she succeeded without any delay ..

" he ..he ....ahhh....he of course he didint cheated on me but ..but..." yibo was in verge to cry .

" you believe it yourself he didint cheat and you broke up with him huh" go eun asked can't believe why yibo s Brain is working badly today .

" who said I broke up with him , he is mine" go eun smiled seeing yibo who just stormed angrily on the floor .

" then why did you believe this picture huh" go eun took the phone with the picture out and showed it infront of yibo whose anger started boiling like lava .

"*breaths hardly* ....take it away or you're phone will break which I don't want to do" yibo gritted his teeth seeing the picture and tried his best not to break the phone .

" well you can break it l anyway it's not my phone , it's Jackson's" go eun replied . The moment yibos heard go eun s reply he too the phone out of her hand and saw the picture closely which boil his blood and formed water vapors outside his skin . He couldn't restrain himself anymore ..


The phone flew from China to Korea and broke down into million pieces
[China : Bed , Korea : wall ] and on the other side you can see go eun clapping her hands encouraging on what yibo just did .

"Yes that's my boy , break it and relax , this is the 6 th 11 pro which broke and of course Where all of them belongs to Jackson" go eun said praising yibo where yibo chuckled at her .

"Finally anger melted" go eun thought and smiled gently at him .

" mom ... I.....I actually know it's edited from the moment I saw the picture" go eun s eyes widened now .how can yibo act so well .. but then her wide yes turned to some other possessed sad eyes as yibo spoke again ...

" I saw her again mom ... I saw her again ..."

Who did he see hmmm... Let's see in the next chapter .....

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