Chapter 33

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" haha...sir very funny..." the staff smiled awkwardly ..

" what funny , I need it right now ...." yibo said glaring at the staff whose face has turned red ...

" zhan... what did you teach him..." Jackson asked controlling his laugh ...

" did he taste your ..." yanli is about to cry ... this is too much . All burst into laughter when they saw zhan nodding his head covering his face with his palms ...

" if you don't know then let me explain.... it's a popsicle which can release something when we suck it and the released thing is called cum so now you know right , go get it ..." yibo explained and starting pushing the staff to bring it ...

" so I should cut it to bring it here..." zhan glared at the stafff .... he really want to leave the Earth now ...

" ok then cut it and bring fast" yibo said and started drinking water ..

All were looking side to side to bang Xiao zhans head .. they will all die now ...what if yibo says this to the whole world ...

zhan was no good , he itself regret making yibo suck him ...hmm you know . He looked at yibo with tears in his eyes ...

" so I should cut my dick now" the staff asked with a nervous tone ... " YES ... go fast" yibo replied ..

" if I cut then how will I pee..." the staff asked pouting .. yibo looked at the staff confused ..

" what is pee?" Yibo asked ... everyone widened their eyes ... they will dig a hole right now .

Zhan got up from the seat and dragged yibo out .. everyone sighed in relief even the staff who kept on checking his *dick* by touching if it's still alive ..

Xiao zhan was blushing too hard .. his face will explode within any minute now . He had enough with yibo . He wanted recover yibo s soon s possible so he took yibo near a lake.

" why you brought me here , I want pop..." before yibo could complete his sentence zhan pushed yibo into the lake harshly . Zhan was looking at yibo and widened his eyes realizing what he just did ...

" damn it I forgot ..." zhan jumped into the lake seeing yibo drowning .. yibo not knowing how to swim started feeling dizzy .. he could feel someone grab his waist and pulling out of the water ..

" yibo ... please I am sorry please...don't.." zhan started shaking yibo s body but yibo has already lost his senses ..

" why god whyyy" zhan yelled crying...

Suddenly dark orb s seems to have spread across the atmosphere as zhan started loosing his consciousness too . The moment where everything turned like a nightmare , the moment he can't protect his bo-di has begin .

" you deserve this little brat" suddenly a voice echoed through the trees . Zhan tying his best to see who it was ... it was none other than yang zi , she kicked yibo harshly making zhan loose his anger but what can he do when someone has injected him from behind .

" now we both got what we want" zixuan who just injected zhan spoke evilly . Behind them total ten bodyguards ready to take orders .

" don't you dare ... zixuan" yang zi glared at zixuan who was about to kick zhan on the face . Zixuan just agreed annoyingly .

" take them away , we have a long night" yang zi ordered looking at the leader from among the bodyguards .

" yes ma'am , as you want" wang haoxuan the top most powerful bodyguard or sometimes called the countries best killer replied with a strong salute .

Both zhan and yibo was taken by haoxuan s men's to the place which their master has ordered them to take . Zhans energy started coming back to him slowly . Yibo on the other hand was drugged badly and that's the reason he wasn't able to get his consciousness back . Drowning in a water and getting rescued within seconds won't kill

A person but injecting after water enters the body can give a bad influence.

Xiao zhan has restored his energy completely . He opened his eyes and tried moving . But for his information he was tied and when he looked around it a room which will probably a master bedroom . He found a curtain which blocked the other sides view maybe or maybe it's nothing behind . He then Heard the door of the room opening .

" oh honey , you woke up" yang zi stepped inside the room dresses with short skirt and stripped top.

"Exactly looking like a blobfish , stripped , does she think she can impress well nah the top looks like the nose of the blobfish and skirt looks like the tiny hands of a fish ."zhan thought as he looked at yang zi who is now walking closer to the bed stepping her each foot one by one as if she is on a fashion show.

" you know your makeup looks like..." yang zi gave a wide smile and cut zhan ..

" yes I know .... my makeup looks pretty like a flower right" she clapped her hand jumping thinking she has finally won zhans heart .

" no , it looks like garbage ... the green eye shadow is the garbage and the dark red lipstick makes it look like the big mouth of the blobfish . No wonder you really are a blobfish..." zhan replied making a disgusted face .

" you ! How dare you" yang zi came forward stomping her foot like an elephant and stood there smirking .

" what do you want and where is my yibo" zhan asked angrily trying his best to break the rope which is tied to him .

" oh don't worry , you wanna see him then here you go ... see there" yang zi pointed at the curtains and she walked there and opened them revealing yibo who was lauded unconscious on the bed .

" YIBO !" Zhan called out but his voice hitched when he saw a hand on yibos waist hugging . That's when he realized that yibo wasn't wearing any shirt but covered with blanket his nakedness .

" ummm.... he is really tasty you know zhan" zixuan who was hugging yibo with her naked body got up covering herself with the same blanket shared with yibo and looked wildly towards zhan .

" you , get off him or you'll...hey what the fuck are you doing!!" Zhan shouted as zixuan started moving her hand on yibo s Milky Way skin caressing whatever comes on her way .

" these pink buds was the most tasty ... ummm..." zixuan said and started linking her lips moving forward to yibo s nipples ..

" you FUCKING BITCH!!!" Zhan yelled breaking the rope , he ran towards zixuan and punched her harshly not even minding if she was naked . Yang zi on the other hand was shocked to see the most strongest rope in the world being broken by mere hands .

Xiao zhan glared at yang zi and breathed heavily . He looked at yibo and tears started rushing down his cheeks . Right then he heard a loud sound ...

" CATCH THOSE TWO BITCHES!" It was haoxuan , the leader of bodyguards ... the best killer .

Behind him , dozens of polices and his best bodyguards rushed into the room and took yang zi and zixuan away ..

" thank you haoxuan" zhan said giving him the best smile as possible .

" my pleasure master ..." haoxuan replied .
Yes , haoxuan s master is Xiao zhan . They were close friends when young but due to the decision which haoxuan made , both started losing friendship but when zhan heard about yibo s condition and when he knew danger was coming closer again and again he seemed helped form haoxuan who was immediate to take the request . Haoxuan wants to be a killer , he loves to see blood but only the bad ones .

" sir , both of them had backups and they escaped the polices ...." song jiyang , a kind hearted person who agreed to become a killer as haoxuan his boss saved his family from a lion ( ).

" let them be , but before we catch them again .... call yibo s and my family .." haoxuan nodded and left with the others making zhan left with yibo whose body was filled with lipstick signs .

" my bo-di we have a long long night" zhan mumbled taking yibo in bridal style and walked out fo the room with dark aura circling around him .

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Sorry I gave such a late update ... I can't say the reason but don't worry I will finish this soon ....
Thank you bye....

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