Chapter 6

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"Yanli I don't feel comfortable sitting here , so jiejie can we switch places" Jackson made puppy eyes and trying to give the hint to yanli who seems unknown .

"Hmmm yeah sure , why so polite suddenly" yanli asked in confusion and Jackson just sigh and they switch places . Now yanli is next to yuchen and Jackson was in the replaced place .

Jackson looked at the adults who are glaring at him .

"Why I am just being nice , they love each other so what"Jackson thought and put his tongue out teasing towards the adults and started talking to yanli .

"Sooo yanli jiejie , do you know who is he sitting next to you" yanli looked at him and widened her eyes lastly knew the evil plan of Jackson .

"you , wait until he leaves"yanli cursed inside and answered

"Yes ......well...he is ofcourse .....t.the friend ..of..yi..yibo" yanli started being nervous as she felt the presence of her lover closer .

She wanted her body to stop being sweaty and just sit there normally but her body is going uncontrol .

" yuchen do u know her" Jackson raised his eye brows , the parents really want to take their son Jackson to a doctor and give any medicine to make him normal but who knows if that kind of medicine exists or if the medicine can control the strongest brain (Jackson's brain) .

"Yooo kids , we will leave to make some special sweets ok and you two don't you guys somewhere to go like riding" nam hyun and go eun signaled their husband to leave .

"Yes yes almost forgot" ji Chang wook laughed awkwardly and took lee min hoo s hand and dashed out and went to have fun .

" ok now we leave to make sweets , Jackson don't make trouble understood and go easy on both of them or they might die of heart attack" nam hyun goes near Jackson's ears and whispered that last words and winked and both the mothers left to the kitchen to fill there with sweets .

" this Jackson is really something , attacking lovers too much" nam hyun said and go eun started nodding .

" he really is , since the day he was born he likes making trouble but when yibo was born he became double and always start fighting" go eun giggled .

Both the mothers started preparing the ingredients , when you see the ingredients it seems like they are making the sweets for a wedding .


"I do....Hmm I knew her , I have seen her" yuchen spoke making yanli blush .

"Hmmm guys can I go to the toilet , I really have to release myself or the.... this couch will be watered cleanly .

" Jackson didint wait for their response and just dashed out to his room leaving two love birds alone in the couch .

"JACKSON YOU SON OF ***** wait until I get you" yanli cursed hardly , her heart is gonna crack as soo much love and fear can't be filled .

"Sooo is ur studies" yuchen wanted to slap himself , how can he ask some thing stupid like that but it's better than the silence .

"Yeah well they are fine ofcourse" yanli replied taking the courage inside her .

"Welll I did not see yibo , nor your brother I guess u do have one right" yuchen scratches his nape becoming more shy .

"Hmm yeah I do and yibo is upastairs resting my brother too both got hardly hurt but yibo s was worst" yanli lowered her head thinking about the incident .

Yuchen widened his eyes when he heard yibo was hurt .

"Can we ..." yanli soon cut him

"Yeah both might be there in the room" yanli gets up and started walking upstairs followed by yuchen .

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