Chapter 11

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"Shouldn't we wake them up" yanli asked yuchen and Jackson who was standing beside her , now they were on yibo s room and they saw something more adorable .

Yibo and zhan was enjoying their sleep cuddling each other . " but how ma" yuchen asked shaking his head ..

" how about I wake them up huh" jackson asked , yanli immediately made a cross sigh in her hand indicating no ..

" don't you dare ..." yanli Warned him ..

" what I will only wake yibo , is that fine and I know how to too" Jackson said ..

" let him do so yanli , maybe he can" Yuchen said surprising his laugh .. Jackson walked proudly near to yibo s bed .

Yuchen came closer to yanli s ears and whispered " ready to watch a drama" ..
Popcorn who was also looking at the lovely couple after waking up just resisted rolling her cat eyes .

When Jackson said he is waking them up and when she saw Jackson walking towards yibo , she moved to the corner of the room, seems like she knows what is gonna happen next ..

"Meowww ( this will be fun)" popcorn meowed .
Both yanli and yuchen went away to the corner where popcorn is hiding and looking at Jackson who is gonna wake up yibo ..

" you'll see something you have never imagined of" yuchen whispered again and giggled . Yanli was confused soo much but she waited to get entertained ..

Jackson gulped down when he started shaking the sleeping yibo ..

" hey wake up" Jackson held near yibo s ear . Yibo after feeling some hot breath near his ears which definitely isn't zhan immediately kicks ..

Jackson fell down with his butt hitting the floor .. the kick was an awesome kick , popcorn and yanli with yuchen was laughing silently not wanting to get caught or they will end like Jackson too..

" next what is gonna happen" yanli asked curiously ..

" football" yuchen replied and signaled her to look at the brother fights ..

" what fuck you doing here JACKSON" yibo yelled as he got up ..

" I came here to wake you up dumbo ... did he have a wonderful night with your so called wife zhan huh" Jackson replied plus asked wincing his pain . Seems like his butt has became flat from round .. ا

" can't you see us sleeping so well" yibo yelled .. zhan woke up from hearing argument , he sat in the bed and looked at yibo and Jackson who are yelling at each other .

" what are you scared that I might find you two making out huh" Jackson asked chuckling ..

" Jackson all the best buddy" yuchen thought .. yanli and popcorn was smirking and watching like a thriller movie is going on ..

" SHUT UP YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" yibo yelled in anger .

" what if zhan was naked huh , what if after up our making out zhan was fully naked" asked yibos again angrily , he truly is out of control ..

" what it isn't like I am not a boy , I am a boy and he also have the same like me and you" Jackson replied rolling his eyes ..

" you seriously are digging your own grave idiot" zhan thought worried for Jackson ..

" Jackson how dare you say something like that ..." yibo closed his eyes while saying trying to endure the angriness inside him ..

" nothing will happen if I see your wife's nakedness , maybe his white skin will make me wanna lick and what if I see his pinkish nipples huh" Jackson teased yibo who is gripping his own hands tightly ..

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