Chapter 36

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" mic testing mic testing"

Wang yibo who was sleeping peacefully on zhans arms woke up hearing strange sounds .looking around he started waking zhan up thinking a ghost have taken over the flight .

(A/N : there are some dialogues of flight services written down here , they are not my work or any of my written ideas ... the credits go to the real owner who was willing to make it available in the internet ... they are real writings of the flight services , so the credit goes to the owner)

" zhan-ge a mic testing ghost have entered the flight" zhan looked at him strangely . He blinked twice with his mouth open trying to re-upload whatever yibo is saying .

" ladies and gentlemen as we are close to our final destination please make sure your seat belts and tray tables are in their full upright positions , make sure your seat belts are securely fastened and carry on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the over head bins"

" that dumbass , I said him to learn less and he is acting like a real pilot" zhan said sternly rolling his eyes . Both started walking out of the room to their seats .

" who is the pilot?" Yibo asked but zhan just made him sit and fasten the seat belts .

" just listen to nonsense for a while" zhan said and he did the same to himself .

" ladies and gentle men we have just been cleared to land at the Milan malpensa airport , please make sure one last time your seats belts are securely fastened . The flight attendants will be securely passing through the cabin to make a final compliance check and pick up the last particles left around the flight"

" who is this pilot , does he think this is my first time flying or what , can't he stop his speech" yibo said irritatedly looking out .

" he is an expert that he can memorize everything" zhan mumbled with a light smile .
With the pilots ...

" Can you stop please" jiyang shouted as he had enough of someone's big safety speech .

" what , are you jealous that I am better" haoxuan asked with a proud smirk plastered on his face .

" oh please , reading a book is easy , don't act as if you memorized them all" jiyang said pointing at the book haoxuan is holding .

Looking at the book haoxuan turned one more page and started to look through the words and read them again and again until he was ready to deliver his speech .

" please prepare yourself for landing mr Xiao and mrs Xiao"

"who the fuck is mrs Xiao" yibo asked angrily glaring at zhan.

" my future wife who else" zhan replied trying his best not to laugh looking at the wide open yibo .

" WHAT THE FUCK.. then who is me to you" yibo asked almost jumping from the seat but got tangled there itself bcs of the seatbelt .

" you are my wife" zhan replied giving a quick nod and turned back facing front .

" are you crazy!" Yibo asked slapping zhans face .

Zhan looked at yibo touching his slapped cheeks . It wasn't a hard slap but his heart hurts thinking someone who is life to him slapped him . But he just gave a glare to yibo instead of saying it okay .

" I- I s..sorry"

Not hearing anything more , both stayed silent getting ready for their landing . Not taking a glance at each other yibo kept on playing with his fingers looking at his palms regretting what he did . Zhan on the other hand was laughing very inside seeing the reaction of yibos once those words escaped From pilot haoxuan .

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