Chapter 3

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Wang mansion..

"Dad are you sure this will be alright , you know yibo" Jackson was afraid when his father suggested him to go to yibo s room and take his new motorcycles helmets and keep them in the secret room .

Helmets are yibo s favorite things and legos as well , if something happened to them yibo will become fire . To get back them he will do anything .

" yes now go , finish the task before yibo comes" Lee min hoo pushed Jackson .

" my death day have arrived , Rest In Peace my soul and the cause of death will be ' stole brothers helmet and was shouted to death' . Jackson thought and stepped foot to yibo s bedroom .

The room was normally like others have , Jackson searched for the helmets everywhere but not a single sign of them was seen . Not even one helmet was seen out .

"What the hell , where are they , I remember him buying 5 helmets in a year" Jackson spoke to himself and started thinking .

He didint notice he was walking backward. Suddenly when he was walking backwards he hit something hard .

"WHAT THE FUCKK ARE U DOING HERE" Jackson soul left for a moment and again it came back .

"Why the hell did You come back soul , much better when you left" Jackson thought and cursed his own soul .

" ANSWER ME" Jackson turned back to the voice shaking .

" iiiiiiiii donttttt knowww" Jackson nervously said .

" I don't care , get out" yibo kicked Jackson out of his room and started looking everywhere if anything was missing .

Thankfully nothing was . He was tired soo much that he decided to rest .

Downstairs Jackson was running to find lee min hoo . He was running again and again forgetting he has already reached the living room . He didn't realize two adults were in the middle and he was circling the living room .

" JACKSON" lee min hoo shouted .

" huh where oh no am I still alive , my eyes my my...." Jackson was somewhere else .

" idiot you are alive can you stop you are making me dizzy" go eun went near to Jackson and was able to grab him .

" *breaths* dad I ..... I died" Jackson was hardly speaking

" then how are you here and speaking" lee min hoo rolled his eyes .

" my ghost" Jackson mocked lee min hoo .

" ghost cannot be seen" suddenly yibo came downstairs and entered the conversation since he can't rest bcs of the bickering .

" who said they can't" Jackson folds his both hands near his chest .

" me I said" yibo came and stood in front of Jackson . Both glared at each other's eyes when a sudden pull from each side dragged them and made them sit on the couch .

" enough , don't fight , i am tired of seeing u both like this" lee min hoo sighed .

" then go rest" both yibo and Jackson said in unison .

" both of you stop , don't make him loose his temper or else the world might become up side down" go eun whispered to the two boys .

Both of them giggled and that was stopped when lee min hoo glared scarily at them .

"Eunnnn stop spoiling them , see this Jackson always start trouble and this yibo..." yibo who heard his name in the conversation quickly averted his gaze to lee min hoo.

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