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North-East: Hyunjin and Jisung

The silence became unbearing at this point. They both couldn't even stand to say another word to each other, driven by their annoyance over the earlier conversation. While, especially at first, the neither seemed particularly fond of Y/N's arrival to put it lightly, as the time went on, things shifted little by little around her. They both grew to understand that their first view of her was definitely in the wrong. Though things did indeed get more unreliable with her sudden appearance, she had not only been a liability.

They had both grew to understand she could be valuable to the group, but their difference in how seemed to make it impossible to agree. Starting with Hyunjin, who seemed to dislike her the most right from the start. He absolutely hated the fact that somebody joined that none of them knew. The group they had felt at least somewhat familiar by now, especially with Jeongin being his safe space. He knew what to expect of this group, he knew their strengths and weaknesses, but with Y/N around, it all seemed to change.

Jeongin didn't suddenly cling onto him anymore like he used to. In fact, right from the start he seemed to try to hang around her a lot. Even when things seemed to have taken a turn, to Hyunjin's liking, he could still see Jeongin glance Y/N's way. He seemed to slowly lose his most precious posession to whoever this new person thought they were. But not only that, most of the group seemed welcoming. Take Changbin, he was already hanging around her like he was her bodyguard. As if that wasn't enough, something seemed to have changed with Felix and Seungmin too, whatever it was. Why on earth was everyone suddenly pulled towards her so much? Especially when she was the reason of most of the arguments and problems that started coming up within the group.

And yet she saved him. Twice even. When he was on the verge of death, she saved him when neither he himself, or anyone else could or would. Sure, she didn't exactly seemed to like him either, just like he didn't like her, but she wouldn't let him die. He convinced himself it was only for the money though, why else would she care enough. But still, no matter how much he hated to admit it, he needed her. And so, the least he could do, was help her out a little. Because those lingering hands already revealed that she truly did not want to stay, even if she tried to convince herself otherwise. If this was something he could do to get rid of the indebted feeling he had around her, then let it be it.

As for Jisung, things started off similar, though Minho in this case didn't seem particularly drawn to her, nor did she really save Jisung. That didn't stop him however from noticing the things the had brought to the group though. She was the only one who noticed the map was wrong, or that the food was poisoned. She seemed to know a lot, probably even more than she let loose. Not only her knowledge could be valuable however, he noticed. You could see it in the eyes of the actor or whatever he was, the little spark of lust as soon as his eyes landed on Y/N.

Jisung must not have been the only one to notice Y/N could be quite attractive, especially when serious. It hadn't fazed Jisung at all, but it surely seemed to to some of the others. Hence why they were probably all so tense around her. They knew it too, but none of them seemed to want to let anyone else know about it. They just all wanted to do so sneakily, without anyone else noticing, getting slowly closer to her. He hated the idea of it at first, since it indeed already caused a lot of trouble, but as soon as he saw it in the actor's eyes, he knew that that was their fast-pass out of this place.

This probably wasn't the only area with other people around, and judging from his behavior, he had done some time already. That probably meant that whoever else was in here, had all the morals thrown out of the window. And especially the men who went to prison, away from any female contact, had grown their desire to act upon the attractive girl right in front of their eyes. Though Y/N didn't exactly seem fond of it, the determined gaze she had before Hyunjin brought her back to her senses showed that she was willing too. She must have known it too, that it was their way out of here, even if it wasn't ideal. And that was when Jisung realized that he should put in just a little more effort to get to Y/N before the others could.

However, these clashing ideals were exactly why the two boys could never come to an agreement. Civil terms may already be hard, but for the sake of getting out of there they had to at least try. Neither of them speaking to the other, neither allowing the other to be convinced of their view, yet both resolutely keeping on going, determined to make their plans come true. They didn't have to like each other anyways to get out of here. All they needed was the other to stay alive so they could get the money. What happened outside of that was no concern to the other.

And so, the only words exchanged were that they should probably find a place to rest soon together with the group as they were heading back , as the sun was already coming up again. The only thing they could agree on for now.

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