41 ☠️

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South-East: Minho, Changbin and Seungmin

"Hey, why don't we switch? It's been a while?" Minho offered, noticing Changbin had been walking just a little slower these past few minutes. Changbin lightly shook his head, looking back just enough to see Seungmin's sleeping figure resting on the back of his shoulder. "It's fine, we'll switch when he wakes up." If it wasn't for Seungmin, holding onto Y/N so tightly, they might not have survived it. Changbin absolutely hated how he could only watch, but he was just thankful the both got out alive. It must have hurt a lot.

"Don't mind what Chan said by the way," Minho finally said after a while, something that seemed to weigh on his mind for some time already. "If you hadn't said something they probably would have just kept on going." Changbin hummed, not necessarily wanting to take all the credit, but he certainly wouldn't deny it felt good to be praised for it. "You know I care about Chan a lot, especially since because of him we're all here to get another chance at life, but I feel like sometimes we just need someone who... how do you say this... doesn't hold back," Minho continued carefully eyeing Changbin to see how he'd react.

"I guess I can see your point... he sometimes is more of a person who holds back more to let others decide," Changbin hesitantly joined in. It didn't feel right to talk badly about one of the teammates, but they were just exchanging opinions. Nothing wrong with that right? "Let's just hope it won't be necessary anymore though," he added after. "Right, of course," Minho answered, a slightly awkward silence falling. "And by the way, don't worry about Jisung so much. I know he's your little brother and all, but he's gonna have to learn stuff on his own too, you know," Changbin told him, breaking the silence once more, only for it to fall again right after.

"Did we find anything yet?" Seungmin muttered groggily, his head slowly lifting to see his surroundings. "Good mor- not morning, night to you too Seungmin," Changbin laughed sheepishly. "Not yet," Minho answered the question for him. They had gotten extremely lucky earlier that Jisung tripped over the first stone, but this was a completely different story. It seemed impossible to find all nine stones, especially when it took them two days to find just one. With the rations they had, they were never going to make it.

"We should have just given him the tools," Seungmin grunted, letting himself off of Changbin's back, stretching his legs before continuing to walk with them. "I get that Chan got annoyed at the situation, but if we had just stopped for one more second and thought logically, we could have gotten out of here already." The other two looked at each other, then back to Seungmin. This was the first they had ever heard Seungmin talk badly about Chan. He was always the one back in their training days to be so loyal to Chan, so even though both Minho and Changbin had been thinking so, they didn't expect Seungmin to against Chan.

Minho chuckled, trying to deflect the negative mood that was building up. "Would have been nice if we still had our phones, we could just call him. Hey, Chan, let's go back together and get ourselves the map. Good idea no?" Both Changbin and Seungmin broke out in a smile, trying not to laugh. "Walkie-talkies would do the trick too, if they were good enough to go with any distance. Who knows how far apart we are." Seungmin looked up at the comments, his mind wandering back to the earlier confession from Y/N. If they were able to do anything together, would, that bring up the donations too, like it did with her and Felix? Would they be able to get those walkie-talkies?

He wished he could tell the others about it, but he couldn't. Not after hearing Y/N sound so grateful. He knew that he wasn't the only one who was going to catch them in the act, which would only complicate things more. He had already picked up a little from Changbin, who seemed to know something was up too, so it was mostly just a matter of time now before something went wrong. And still, those spikes in the donations were probably mainly due to the both of them, given all the earlier disgusting comments. He still hated the fact that they actually had to resort to listening to them, but it did seem to work alright. And yet it felt uncomfortable to see the two of them so close.

Seungmin couldn't even figure out why. Maybe because Felix seemed like there was more to it than just pretend. The little things already seemed to make that clear, hence why Changbin probably noticed too. As Seungmin had not had much to do that allowed him to rest and yet still do something fun, he had completely endulged himself into reading. They were an escape to him, worlds that were better than his own. And of course, like a lot of readers, the romance section had grown on him. The feeling of experiencing what actual romance felt like when unable to experience it yourself just always sparks something up inside of you, whether it was the happy one, or the one that made you yearn for it even more.

And so he had read quite the couple of fake dating tropes. The love hypothesis for example, or a little off, but the kiss quotient. In about every fake dating book, at least one of them grew feelings for the other, whether intentionally or not. And yet again, in every book, things went horribly wrong soon after that. In this case, it was pretty clear that Felix had been growing feelings for Y/N. There was no way he was so possessive over her over just a fake dating scheme.  There just had to be more to it, and Y/N seemed pretty oblivious to it all. Or any interest taken in her for that part.

If only there was something he could do to end the fake relationship of the two before things actually went south...

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