Enemies Encounters Part Two

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Charles POV

I guided the spaceship through space while Rupert gave me some tips on how to stay quiet and not get caught. And even know this spacecraft is different than my normal ride, it's kinda similar. I think.

"Everybody on the orbital station should be fast asleep which makes our job easy," Rupert said.

"You mean my job," I said.

"Whatever Charles, just do your job. And don't mess this."

I slowly pull up near around the station, noticing there's a force shield circling the orbital station. I moved to back grab my gun and the device that is similar to the teleporter but better.

"Remember. Don't mess this up."

"I won't Rupert, now go away."

I pushed your the button, immediately teleport, and reappear in the cafeteria but crashes to the floor despite my best efforts.

Ouch! My head!? This device is really something. Helpful but I rather have a safe landing than FALLING FROM THE CEILING!? Ugh, focus Charles. The mission don't forget the mission. I quickly got up and got out of there before someone noticed.

I snuck around the station and found the files room that's should be full with future crimes including the heist plans. I tried opening the door but it's locked.

I went through my pocket and fished out a lock pin and mess with the lock for a few minutes, until it finally opened. I stepped in, seeing a whole a lot of evidence of crimes being commit. Arson, hostages, and MURDER!?

I went to today papers and grab one of the files but suddenly, a hand grabbed me and I ending up dropping the files on the ground and I saw that traitor looking down at me.

"What are you doing, Charlie."

"Let go of me, traitor!"

"Did you think I will let you get away that easy."

I struggles to out of the leader's grasp but only made him to gripped harder. Last thing I remember, something hitting me on back of my head and I collapses on the ground.

Next thing I knew, I wake up in chains of green electricity lights connect to the ceiling. I tried breaking out but to no avail.

"Looks like somebody had a nice nap." That douchebag was leaning on the wall and walked toward me.

"You really like messing with the government, don't you."

"You know me so well Charlie~"

"You're not getting away with this."

He laughed at me in a mocking way as he grab my face.

"We'll see Charlie~"
I blushed lightly as he pulled close to my face. "My oh my, you looked gorgeous as always, Charlie~"

I was taken back with that comment and snapped back. "S-shut up and stop flirting with me!"

"It's teasing for me but think what you like." He abruptly let go and back off while I was pissed off.

"What are you playing, Henry."

"Any games I want after all you're on my territory."

I so badly want to punch this jerk but I couldn't and even if I have a chance, it wouldn't end good for me.

"What? Why so quiet Charlie~"

"If you call me Charlie one more time, I swear to god-"

"Charles! What is happening!? I lost signals ever since yesterday night and you never called back!?"

Well, other then dealing with Henry. Yeah, it's has been 'great.' Yesterday night!? Seriously!? I been out that long!?

"Rupert I need..."

Henry covered my mouth before I can say anything else and continue the call. "Hello again Rupert, how's your job?"

"Stickmin!? What did you do to Charles!?"

"Nothing much, just toying with him for a few minutes." I glared him but he just scoffed. "But unfortunately, I'm not letting him go, so easy."

"And somebody had to pay the price." Henry disconnect the call before Rupert yelled out something back. "Looks like nobody saving you."

"For the leader of the toppats, you don't seem brave enough to fight me."

"Oh, I don't mind fighting you. I just don't want to hurt your pretty face." I blushed a new shade of red as Henry chuckle but I quickly shook my head. "Anyway, I'll be leaving now."

Henry left the room as I tried to get out these electrical cuffs. But suddenly, the cuffs opened and I crashed on the ground for the second time. I pulled myself up and tried barging through the door but it didn't budge.

I went for a punch but my hand immediately aches in pain as it got bruised up. Probably wasn't a good idea to punch a metal door and it's not like I can get some help. My headphones isn't working all in a sudden, so I sat there in this dimmed room.

I don't know how much time has passed until I saw a pair of black boots in front of me. I didn't bothered looking up as I heard Henry sighed.

"Seriously. What have been you doing since I left you here?," he said.

"Oh, nothing much. Just trying to escape I don't know. From this miserable place."

"Wow, you're in a bad mood."

I glared at him as he rolled his eyes and walked out. I thought he left again but he came back with a first-aid kit.

"For stupid pilot, I'm surprised you still able to do your job."

"Well, for the chief, I'm surprised you are not being lazy and letting your 'minions' all of the work."

Henry rolled his eyes for the second time as he took out the bandage and wrapped around my bruised hand. I wanted to annoyed him more but I kept quiet when he was mending my hand. Eventually, he finished and got up.

"Next time, don't do something so reckless."


He left again as I leaned my head. With my situation, it might take me awhile to escape. Soon, my face turned red again as I relaxed.

Why did he help me?

Henry Stickmin Oneshots(Mostly Stickvin)Where stories live. Discover now