Fight Down Part Three

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Charles POV

I didn't know how long I was in here. I couldn't contact Rupert since the signal got cancelled and I didn't know how to pass the time, so I just fall asleep.

Next thing I know, I wake up in the hallway but I was.... moving. Without... walking!?

"Oh. Look who's finally wake up," Henry said.

"I can walk, you know."

"Yeah, whatever."

He soon stop and throw me in a random room.

"Here's your new room." He closed the door without me asking him about the room. "If you need anything press the button on the table or stay silent. I don't care."

Wow rude much but what should I expect.

I explored the room, trying distract myself from being a prisoner in this comfy room. Making me wonder why he would put me in this room instead the cells.

Strange but at the same time, weird.

While I looked through the bookshelf, I notices a vent right near it but a heavy boxes was blocking it but I scanned for any tool since all my weapons was taken.

Well, at least I have the time to explore the entire room.

I searched everywhere when I was lucky to find a screwdriver after couple of hours but I heard footsteps coming toward my door and I jumped on the bed and hide the tool behind the pillow just as Henry walk in.

"Here eat up and after that I need to talk to you," he said, handing me a plate of fresh, warm food.

"Can't you talk to me right now?"

"No, I'll talk to you when you're full. Now hurry up, I don't have all night."

I started eating even know he waited impatiently for me to finish, so I turned in the opposite direction, so I don't have to see him.

"You know Charlie, you are better off being in the Toppat Clan." I ignored him but he continued. "You failed to do a simply task to steal plans for the next heist."

I kept eating, trying to avoid his voice but he continue mocking my fail attempt and have some nerve saying that he could have done a better job even know he willingly betrayed the government.

"Are you done yet!?," I said, turning around.

"C'mon Charlie, you need let me have my fun~"

"You have your fun when your clan takes the victory over the years."

"True but I rarely see you on the battlefield Charlie~"

"Because I'm mostly in the air in my helicopter, doing other missions, so I won't had to see your stupid face."

"Right, committing one of your greatest plans once again~"

"Oh, you must have so much rivals in your team by your attitude." I rolled my eyes at the chief.

"Only one but he does respect my orders, he just won't to admit to himself," he said.

"I wish nobody listen to you."

"Wow, how rude of you." Henry fakes some tears as I rolled my eyes again and grab the screwdriver under the pillows. "You know that vent is glued shut for a reason."

My face went cold as I felt him smirking at me.

"Why do you think I put you in this room."
He places his hand on my face as I was getting sick of him at this point. "But I think we can work something out."

I slap his hand off of me, pushed him back, and got up.

"I'm not willing to join you and your dumb clan."

"It's not that, Charlie."

"Then what is it!?"

"You know I kinda missed our fights because it's always brings me some much excitement."

"Because you're too big of a chicken to finish it."

"Well, let's fights like old times and we add a little bet to make it interesting." He took off his cape and clenched his knuckles.

"If you win, I will let you go but however, if I win, then I want something from you."

"What could you possibly want from me?"

"Let's found out."

Without warning, Henry tackled me to the bed but I kicked him in the stomach, got on top of him, and put a arm lock on him.

"What happened to "always getting out of trouble."

"Come in all form, darling~"

He quickly slips out and push me down on the floor.

"You know I feel like you're not trying."

I immediately grab his arm and swung his body on the wall.

"Is that "trying" for you."

He attacked me out of nowhere and we went at, wrestling for good lord how long. It's felt like hours fighting with him, I was out of breath while Henry looks like he can go on all night.

"You looked exhausted, Charlie~"

I tried punching him but he snatched my arm and pinned me on the wall. I catches my breathe as he grins at me like he staring deep in my soul.

"Well, I'm very impressed by you, Charles~" He grips harder as he moves close to my ear. "Too bad you lose~"

"Ugh. W-what do you want."

Henry kept his act but he restrained my arms as touch my face. I try getting out but he kissed me before I can reaction but some reason, I liked it. He stop after few seconds and winks at me before letting me go.

"Didn't fight back, I see," he said.

"I physically couldn't," I said.

"You still did nothing to stop me.

"I have been fighting you for this whole time."

"Oh well, can't be helped. Can it." My face grew red as I couldn't even answer. "Anyway, let's just get you back at Earth."

"Huh?" I was confused for a moment but went along with it before he changed his mind.

He led me towards the escape pods, telling me how it works, and how to operate the pods. He send off me without hesitate. But I either after I soared down back to Earth I wonder why Henry was being so nice to me?

Henry POV

"Hey Henry."

"What Ellie!? Can't you see I'm busy."

"I can see that but I saw you send that pilot on his way. Why didn't you keep him as a prisoner?"

"Oh that. I felt bad for him but I would be lying if I didn't find him attractive after all these years."

"So, you love him?" I nodded my head and Ellie hugged me and jump back. "So, should we plan a kidnapping."

"No, not just yet. We have bigger plans."

The end for now.

Henry Stickmin Oneshots(Mostly Stickvin)Where stories live. Discover now