Toppat's New Kid

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One evening, the Toppat Clan were stealing a lot of valuables from an underground cave in the jungle and putting them in large boxes. Henry, the leader of the toppats ordered them to hurry up and left them to make a call.

Just then, a small boy popped out from the bushes and sneaked around the clueless toppats and got to one of the large boxes filled with many priceless gems and glowing gold coins. The boy beamed as he slowly grabbed a small diamond.

Suddenly, one of the toppats noticed the boy and shouted at him. The child ran for it, catching everyone attention. Everyone try to catch the kid but he easily dodged them.

But soon, he accidentally bumped into Henry and fall to the ground. Henry didn't looked surprised but impressed as he got down.

"Not bad, kid." Henry picked up the diamond as he looked at the kid. "What's your name?"


"Well, Caden. You're coming home with me."

Charles Pov

"Henry, I'm home."

I closed the door behind me and dropped my bag on the floor just as I turned around and saw my husband. (I forgot to mention that they also have a house on earth)

"Hey Charles. You're home early."

"Alright, what are you hiding?"

"Well, do you remember how we were talking about getting a kid."

"No, but-"

I noticed a little kid behind Henry, and he quickly noticed it.

"Oh, I guess the surprise is spoiled."

Henry gently pushed the kid in front of him as the boy hugged the teddy.

"Meet Caden, our new son. Caden meet your other father, Charles."

I never expected that Henry would adopted a child. It's not like I don't want a child. I just never expected it would be that soon. I tried to approach Caden, but he immediately hid behind Henry.

"Aw, buddy."

I laughed as I slowly kneeled down and put out my hand. "Hey, don't worry I won't hurt you."

Caden slowly popped his head as he slowly walk towards me. I rubbed his head as he giggles a little as a small smile came to his face.

"Can I called you papa?"

"Of course, you're my child."

Caden was staring at my military hat, so I gave it to him. Caden was so thankful that he immediately hugged me as I hug him back. Henry couldn't help but smile as he walk towards us.

"Nice to see you two are getting along."

"Yeah, me too."

Welcome to the family, Caden

Author note: Everyone meet Caden, Henry's and Charles's child. He is five years old and acts more like Charles but can be a troublemaker like Henry.

And before, you all asked. Yes, every Stickvin Au gets their own version of Caden (except for the Royal Au since they technically already have a child named Adrien, but it's actually Caden. I just won't bothered to change the name.)

Anyways, if you asked why I decided to used Caden in the future Toppat Henry x Charles. Because I wanted too plus it's make a good story even know it's short.

Anyways, I hope you all have a good spring break.

Henry Stickmin Oneshots(Mostly Stickvin)Where stories live. Discover now