Henry's and Sven's Rivals(Toppat King)

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I have one more exam on Monday but doesn't means I can write a story. Also this happened before the Invading the Station

Sven POV

Ever since Henry sends the orbital station into orbit, he has been treated like a king and claimed to be one of the best Toppat leader of the clan. Everybody agreed with him well except me of course.

They also did all his demands in any way as possible. Once the chief ordered to steal rare treasure for the him but I came back with nothing including the others while some of them brought back diamonds in return the "boss's favorite rock."

"Like he's so annoying that I feel like I'm about to explode in angry."

"Well you had to admit Henry is the best," Burt said.

"How the f*** is Henry is of the best leader in the history of the Toppat Clan!?!"

"His tactics or plans always successful and we are making more money than when Terrance was in power."

"Well, I still disagree."

"Tell that to the news, his followers, our coworkers, and the people crushing on him." Burt sipped some of his coffee and leaned back on his office chair.

Burt did have a point about one thing, Henry proves that he deserves to be chief and Reginald was more than happy to give his position to him even Right Hand Man has no problem with it.

Burt gently grab my hands and reassure me that everything will be under Henry's leadership and I soon relaxed looked closely at Burt in a romantic. I always love him from the moment I saw him. I just never have the courage.

"Hey Swedish man." He was snapped his fingers at me out of my daydream as he chuckled.
"Stay with me or I'm going had to slap you."

"Yeah... sorry Burt." I flustered a bit while Burt snickers and put his cup back on the table. "But I'm not done with this conversation."

"Figures, you are very stubborn than anybody else on this station." We kept laughing for a while until somebody coughed their throat.

"So you think I'm a terrible leader." Henry was standing there, irritated by the presence of me. "Think you can do a better job than me."

"Yes I can because at least I made an effort making sure anybody is alright meanwhile you're too busy "your valuables" to be caring about the damn clan."

"First of all, I do care about the clan and everybody on this station. Second, if you have a problem with me..." Henry's tone went cold and he stared deep into my eyes. "Then leave the base, I can easily replaced you with a blink of eye."

I was about to shouted but Burt snatched my arm and push me back on my seat. "Look boss he is very sorry."

He nudged my shoulder and I bow my head just to pleased that bas****

"I'm not letting this go, so you better prepared yourself Sven." Henry walked near the door and turned to me in a dark expression. "Because I'm not going easy."

He slammed the door leaving me and Burt speechless of what just happened. We quickly wrap up our break and headed back to do our task but I thought my day couldn't have been worse there were a load of paperwork on my desk with note saying.

~Some newbies couldn't do this task due to sickness, so you will be doing it- Henry.

I crinkled the note whispering some curse words to Henry and that b**** have some nerves walking by my desk and grinned at me while talking with his Right Hand Lady. I secretly hope he gets hit in the chest on his way.

Weeks goes by and things started to escalated when I noticed Henry has been flirting with Burt when I'm around and not only that he has been secretly giving gifts to him when no one looking but managed to do it in front my face.

And worst of all Burt accept all his presents and share them with me for being "a good best friend." I purposely throw them away without Burt seeing.

But I couldn't take it anymore. I marched straight over to Henry's office and busted through the door without even knocking. He didn't look surprised and smirked at me leaning on his marble desk.

"Sup Sven how's Burt. Did he love my gifts." I snatch Henry's collar and he just push me back, getting up from his chair, landed his foot on my stomach , and looked down at me.

"Aw somebody is jealous about me trying steal his crush." He chuckled and kicked my chest causing me stumbles. "Weak and pathetic."

"What are you planning Henry!?"

"Nothing just messing with you, of course." Henry removed his foot and sat back down in his chair and gestures to have a seat and I relentlessly sat down the chair.

"Listen I have no intentions to dating Burt especially since he already love you."

My face turned blank, Burt had a crush on me just like I have crush on him. I blushed in embarrassment but Henry rolled his eyes and pop out his phone.

"Yeah, yeah good for you now go away and shut the door on your way out." I got up in excitement but stop after few minutes.

"Wait? How did you know that I have a crush on Burt?" Henry let out a groan and led his head back to me.

"It's clear as days you have crush on him. You always hanging out with him, talk all your problems to him, and heck you always seemed nervous around him like a school girl."

"What about Burt?"

"He told me after my fifth gift but he agreed with my tricks just to tease you," he chuckled.

"So, you don't love him?"

"I see him as a friend that's it but he does remind me the person I do like."

I wanted to asked him but he ushered me out and shut the door in my face before I can speak. I turned to leave only to be frightened by Burt leaning back on the wall.

"Hi Sven how's your talk."

"Geez, Burt you scared me half to death."

"Well I heard from Carol and she saw you storming to Henry's office and I went to go to check up on you."

"Yeah... my bad." Burt pecks me on the cheek and I flinched in shock. "There's more where that came from."


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