First Time in the Military Part 2

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Charles POV

The next day, Rupert and I arrived at Henry's house to go get him. The general doesn't trust Henry enough to come on his own and taking any cautions. I saw his scooter was still in the driveway, so I know he's home.

"Okay Rupert go ring the..."

Before I can finish my sentence, Rupert kicked down the door and went inside as I chased after him.

"Rupert are you crazy!??"

"Charles, we don't have time to be nice. Now go get Henry."

I want to shout back but Rupert have a point and I went upstairs alone while he waits downstairs. Rupert is a nice person but have major angry issues. I soon found Henry's room and knocked but he didn't asks. I knocked again but nothing.

I slowly opened the door and he was fast sleep in his bed. I wonder how he didn't hear the noises going on? Henry made the cutest yawn before he sinks in the blanket. I flustered a bit and quietly moved toward him.

"For a criminal, he looks adorable and maybe handsome."

I brushed through his hair and receives a small smile from the tough guy. I could stay here forever if I want to until Rupert came barging in.

"Charles what are you doing!?"

I jumped in surprised and Henry shot up awake. When he saw us, he looked shock and angry.

"What the f*** are you two doing in my house!?"

"Getting your a** to the general since we don't trust you," Rupert said.

"Can I at least changed my clothes?"

"Yes and I'm so sorry," I said, sheepishly,

I pushed Rupert out of the room, closed the door, and slap him before he can argued back.

"Oi! Hurry up!? We don't have time for you to be lazy," Rupert yelled.

"First of all, I just drinking coffee, second of all I was planning to come to the base but you break into my home!?"," Henry shouted.

"Oh and why are you acting that way!? Huh? You commit a lot of thefts in this town and I bet you break into innocent homes to steal from them!?"

I knew Rupert has taken too far with his words and Henry looked streaming mad. I thought saw his face got darker with glowing fury. For a split second, I thought he will come down but he immediately snatched an another mug to throw it on Rupert but I stop him.

Henry rolled his eyes, dropped the mug on the table, and snatched his duffel bag. I followed after him as he got to the door.

"Henry, slow down," I said.

"Hey! Where are you going!?," Rupert yelled.

"The military base where's else!?," Henry said.

Henry left his house and rode his scooter while me and Rupert climbed in my car and drove behind him. This is going to be a long tiring day.

Time skip

"Everyone meet Henry Stickmin, ex-criminal who will be working with us to put an end to the Toppat Clan," Galeforce said.

"But keep in mind, he might steal your stuff without looking. So be careful, understand."

"Yes sir."

Henry rolled his eyes and went off on his own. I quietly followed him but he noticed.

"Are you always going to followed me."

"Well you're ex-criminal and don't know your directions around base," I said.

Henry Stickmin Oneshots(Mostly Stickvin)Where stories live. Discover now