A Chill Valentine's Day

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Charles POV

"Henry, where are you!?," I said.

"I'm getting the sprinkles, what else," he said.

"Well, hurry up and bring your ass back here. We have cookies to make."

It was day before Valentine's Day and we were going to make cookies for people. Heart shaped cookies to be exact. I put some food coloring and the mixture quickly turns into pink batter.

Henry finally came in the kitchen with sprinkles in a mess. Luckily, the sprinkles was fine but unfortunately, not my boyfriend.

"What happened?"

"Star tackled me as soon I got home. She asleep now," he said.

I took a peck and saw our dog sleeping in her small bed while holding her toy. I giggled as I grab the cookie cutter and hand them to my lovely boyfriend.

"No time to be lazy, get to cutting with the first batch of cookies."

He scoffed as he walked passed me and already started cutting. I focused my attention back on the batter and hurried up mixing the batter.
Soon, we finished up all the cookies and have enough for everyone.

Henry tried to grab one but I slapped his hand.

"Hey! Wait until tomorrow." He made some stupid puppy eyes as he begs and I ended up giving in. "Ugh, fine. Just make sure you don't over do it."

"I won't, I promise."

"Alright, Mr. Criminal."

Just then, our half-asleep dog came in as I whistled for her to follow me, so I can take her for a walk. Hopefully, Henry won't eat all the cookies like last year. I mean we have to redo the cookies.

The next day

"Here you go," I said.

"Thanks man," Konrad said.

"Thank you. You're the best," Calvin said.

I was handed out the cookies after work while Henry was planning something in secret. I already gave some to the general, Victoria, Amelia, Rupert, Ellie, Ben, and etc.

"Charles, I wished you were single."

"You'll find love soon, Calvin. Just give it some time."



I somehow got Calvin off of me and Konrad apologized for his stupid twin brother. I knew Calvin didn't have a crush on me, just sad that he couldn't find a girlfriend. Suddenly, someone touched my shoulder and saw Dave waving at me.

"Oh, hey Dave."

"Hey, Charles. Do you still have some Valentines cookies?"

"Yeah, sure. Here you go." I gave the last cookie to Dave. Me and Henry still have more cookies at home but it for us. Dave tastedthe cookie and immediately felt like he was in heaven.

"So, what do you think, Dave?"

"It's pretty good, but I'm going miss when Amelia's exploding chocolate cookies."

"Yeah, me too." I noticed Dave was holding a stuffed bear and heart shaped chocolates. "I see Rupert already gave you your presents."

"Yeah, and we're going to Italian restaurant after this."


"You're not?"

"We decided to have a chill day for Valentines. Plus we went to expensive restaurant last week."


Just then, I heard someone sneaking behind me, but I just smirked and pretended I didn't hear anyone until that person covered my eyes.

"Guess who?"

"We're doing cheesy things, now," I said,

"Just guess."

"Hmm, a better version of my boyfriend."

"You piece of s-"

"I'm kidding. You're Henry, who else."

I turned around and Henry was holding a box of my favorite chocolates and some roses. I laughed as I kissed his cheek as he blooms red.

"Well, you guys are a nice couple," Dave said.

"Thanks Dave. Also I'm sorry that I pied Rupert in the face," Henry said.

"You did what!?!"


Henry quickly kissed my hand before booking it and ran away from Rupert as he chased him down. Me and Dave wasn't surprised, just disappointed.

"They will never get along," Dave said.

"Yeah, they won't."

Time skip to Henry's and Charles's home

"Why the heck did you throw a pie in his face?," I said.

"Well, it was Valentine's Day and I wanted to spread the spirit. So I made a pink frosty pie and smacked his face with it."

I slapped my face before grabbing my nose and shaking my head.

"God damn it, Henry. Rupert might kill you some day."

"Ha, I find that impossible, but he can try."

I took out my phone and searched up some recipes for dinner. I let out a deep signed as I leaned back on the wall.

"Let's try to make something different for Valentine's Day."

"Alright, any opinions?," Henry said.

"We have exploding chocolate cake, rainbow special milkshakes, crab burger, and steak burger."

"How about Goofy Ah Pizza?"

I gave Henry a confused look on my face as I leaned up.

"Goofy Pizza. What's that?"

"Well, recently, I decided to go back and watch old cartoon movies. And when I was watching a Goofy Movie, I heard about Goofy Pizza."

I was still confused but agreed to make this Goofy Pizza. Plus, I was interested to try it. Henry took out all the ingredients we need and we got started. First, Henry put cheese in the dough, then rolled out the dough, and put it in the pan.

Henry grabbed a fork and put some holes before I poured some tomatoes sauce, then cheese and pepperonis. Henry grabbed me from behind and hugged me as I hug him back.

"You know for an ex criminal, you really have a soft side."

"Only for you. Nobody else," Henry said.

I turned red but smiled as I messed with my boyfriend's hair.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's finish up this pizza."

Henry put the finishing touches by putting garlic oil on the crust and putting some spices, then I put the pizza in the oven and set the timer.

"Alright, let's relax in the living."

"Alright," Henry said.

Henry hugged me again and nuzzled my neck.

"In the meantime, I want my time with you."

"Okay, okay. Don't acted so clingy," I said.

Eventually, the pizza was finished and it smells pretty good than any pizza I taste. Henry went to the fridge and grab a bottle of wine. We gave some food and water to Star before we started eating.

The pizza was pretty amazing. The greatest pizza if you ask me. Anyways, Henry poured some wine in our glass and we cling our glass.


"Happy Valentine's Day, Charlie."

"Happy Valentine's Day, Hen."

Author note: Man, it's been a long time since I write on here. And this is my first story in 2024. But, anyways, Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Also, I will try to write other ships than Stickvin.

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